Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������ THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS ‑ A fantastic vital must read

������ ! PBJ

�� Date:

������ Sat, 10 Mar 2001 13:19:08 ‑0800

� From:

������ "Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ <Undisclosed‑Recipient:;>

��� CC:

������ "Pastor Bob Jones" <[email protected]>


��������������� ABOUT THE AUTHOR

���������� The author is a retired officer of the U.S. Army. He was born

in Minnesota and was raised in the military

���������� service as an �Army Brat�. Upon graduation from High

School, he enlisted in the Regular Army at the

���������� age of 16 and remained in the military service until his

retirement for physical disabilities incurred during

���������� World War II. He was the youngest Lt. Col. of Infantry in the

Army Ground Forces at the age of 27 and

���������� retired at his present rank in 1950 at the age of 33. He is the

Pastor and founder of the Ministry of Christ

���������� Church, with over 15 years of Bible teaching background.

���������� The author served on the War Department General Staff in

Washington, D.C. and on the staff of General

���������� Douglas Mae Arthur. He was selected, along with several

other officers, to organize and direct the

���������� historic Guerilla forces in the Philippine Islands during World

War 11.

������������������������������� For copies of this book, please mail $5.00

contribution to:


�� 4241 Usona Road, Mariposa, CA 95338


���������������������� CONTENTS

���������� Preface

��������� Introduction

���������� Chapter I The Battles of Space

���������� Chapter 11 A Celestial Family on Earth

���������� Chapter III The Great Pyramids

���������� Chapter IV Exodus

���������� Chapter V The Nations

���������� Chapter VI The Union

���������� Chapter VII The Daylight Hours

���������� Chapter VIII The Hours of Darkness

���������� Chapter IX�� The Midnight Hour


������������������������ PREFACE

���������� This is not merely a �book�, it is a story with a Biblical

background which can shake the world.

���������� The simple story told in �The Faith of Our Fathers� is one that

should be read by every family in America

���������� and in Western Europe. Clergymen, Attorneys at Law, Public

Officials as well as young students, will

���������� obtain a better understanding of their government and the

Constitution of the United States of America.

���������� In these days of tribulation, with enemies of God all about,

one is reminded of the words of Napoleon

���������� Bonaparte when he said, �Ninety five percent of winning a

war is to know your enemy�. The story of this

���������� book advances Napoleon�s advice by saying, �How can you

know your enemy unless you know who

���������� YOU are?�

���������� A clergyman once said, �love your enemies�. In a discussion

with other clergymen that followed, he was

���������� asked where he derived his philosophy and he replied, �The

Bible, of course�. The clergyman asking him

���������� questions then said, �I will agree with the Bible, now please

tell me where the Bible says to love God�s

���������� enemies?� With this question, the first clergyman was

stumped. He had no answer! In another instance, a

���������� clergyman was broadcasting a radio sermon. He was

preaching that Christians should love everything

���������� (even Satan). Upon reaching the �race� question he said, �All

of the different races of people on earth are

���������� the same�. Later that day another clergyman telephoned the

radio preacher and expressed interest in the

���������� sermon. He had a question. He asked about the statement

that �all of the different races are the same�.

���������� His question was �If the races are the �same�, then why did

you say that they are �different�?� With this,

���������� the clergyman who gave the sermon promptly placed his

telephone receiver on the hook. He had no

���������� answer!

���������� Those who read �The Faith of Our Fathers� will no doubt be

stimulated to further research and study. It

���������� is hoped and we pray that their findings will assist in the

accomplishments that God�s Word has

���������� prophesied. They will have �ANSWERS�! Ye shall know the

truth and the truth shall make you free.


������������������� By William P. Gale

������������������� INTRODUCTION

���������� This is a story about a race of people who exist on the planet

Earth. The EWA two persons of this race,

���������� man and woman, were placed on Earth by the Creator of the

Universe approximately seven thousand

���������� four hundred years ago. They were placed in a garden or

protected area named Eden. One might ask at

���������� this point, �Protected from what?�. The answer is simple but

will be left for discovery from a reading of

���������� the story.

���������� At the time the two children of the Creator were placed on

Earth, there were many other peoples on the

���������� planet. These other people were known as �Enosh�, which

means �created� beings. They had been on

���������� the planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years and

possibly millions of years before the two children

���������� of the Creator were placed in Eden. The �Enosh� or created

beings had their origin on other planets of

���������� the Universe where they had been created. Our story will ten

of their arrival on Earth and their trials and

��������� tribulations during the great catastrophes of the Earth where

powerful earthquakes destroyed large areas;

���������� where lands gave way and were covered by waters of the

oceans; where entire civilizations were

���������� destroyed by catastrophes beyond the imagination or

comprehension of we who are on Earth in these

���������� latter days.

���������� Our story will be brief in comparison with the aeons or ages

of our Universe. Brief even in comparison

���������� with the age of our planet Earth. We will trace the history of a

family. A family that belongs to the Creator

���������� of the Universe. We will know His Name, the true Name of

the Creator as well as who His children are

���������� on the planet Earth. We will look into the past, both of the

Earth and the Universe. We will know where

���������� we came from, where we have been and where we are

going. As Jesus said, �Ye shall know the truth

���������� and the truth shall make you free�.


������������������������ Chapter 1

���������������� The Battles of Space

���������� During recent years we have been reading newspaper

reports about men being rocketed into space,

���������� about men getting to the moon and about space ships that

will travel to other planets of the universe. If

���������� we had read about space ships in our Bible twenty years ago

or even ten years ago, we most probably

������ ����would have had a difficult thing to believe. Why? Simply

because we hadn�t seen or known about rocket

���������� engines or guided space vehicles as we see and know about

them today. We hadn�t read about them in

���������� our daily newspapers but in comic strips or so‑called Buck

Rogers magazines. Truthfully, had we only

���������� read about them in comic strips or Buck Rogers type

magazines? Let us look at the Scriptures. The

���������� Prophet Ezekiel tells us about space ships. He tells of the

wheels with the appearance as the color of a

���������� beryl stone. He describes them as if a wheel had been in the

midst of a wheel. When they went, they

���������� went upon their four sides. They turned not as they went and

they were full of eyes (lighted windows) all

���������� about. This is similar to the description of recently sighted

unidentified flying objects (UFO�s), which

���������� observers have described as space ships. The Apostle John

in his Book of Revelation describes a space

���������� battle. He tells of how he was taken unto the spirit and what

he was shown; that he was told to return

���������� and write the things, which he had seen. The things, which

are, and the things, which shall be hereafter. In

���������� the symbolism of our Scriptures John describes the past

catastrophes on the planet Earth, the great

���������� meteor or star named �Wormwood� striking Earth and a third

part of the Universe being placed under

���������� darkness. He tens of Satan�s fall to the Earth along with the

two hundred thousand thousand (two

���������� hundred million) �Enosh� or created beings who were in

Satan�s army and who fell to the planet Earth

���������� with him. Before the time of John, we turn to the writings and

prophecy of Enoch, the sixth Patriarch from

���������� Adam and Eve. Enoch tells about the great and mighty space

battle where the Arch‑angel Michael was

���������� called upon by the Creator of the Universe to bring His

armies against Lucifer the Arch‑angel who had

���������� rebelled against the Creator and King of the Universe. Satan,

by the name Lucifer, had once been a light

���������� bearer for the King of the Universe. He knew many mysteries

of the Universe and had knowledge of

���������� many secrets of the Kingdom. He decided that he was

greater than the King and attempted a revolution

���������� in order that he might take over as King of the Universe. He

gathered many angels from various planets

���������� of the Universe to do battle in space against the Host

commanded by the righteous Archangel Michael.

���������� These angels who succumbed to Satan�s lies and who joined

his forces were known as �Enosh� who had

���������� been created on other planets of the Universe. They were

good in the place where they had been created

�� ��������because everything the Creator made was good in the place

where he created it. But in their weakness

���������� they joined Lucifer�s army of rebellion and lost their first

estate. Scripture describes them as the angels

���������� who had lost their first estate, or the fallen angel race

�Enosh�. It was these created beings who were

���������� defeated with Lucifer in the space battles against Michael.

Lucifer, along with these created beings, fell

���������� from space to the planet Earth. This space battle is the same

one that John writes about in Revelation.

���������� These created beings or angels who had lost their first estate

by following Lucifer in his rebellion, were

���������� now out of their proper place in the Universe. They had been

cast down to a strange planet. By their

���������� stupidity and ignorance they had helped Lucifer upset the

good order of the Universe and the Kingdom

���������� of the Most High Creator. They had violated the Divine laws

of nature and nature�s King. Their

���������� punishment was to be cast out of the Kingdom along with the

evil one who led them. They were, and still

���������� are, under the power of Satan and they worship him as their

king. John in Revelation, Chapter 9, Verse

���������� 11 says: �And they had a king over them, which is the angel

of the bottomless pit, whose name in the

���������� Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his

name Appollyon�.

���������� We can now turn to the written history of the Asiatic peoples

which includes the history of the Sumerian

���������� dynasties. These historical writings record events of Asiatic

peoples on Earth hundreds of thousands of

���������� years ago, long before Adam and Eve had been placed in

Eden. The ancient Asiatic writings tell of an

���������� Almighty One who is above the God they worship. They also

describe a later space battle where their

���������� king was again defeated and again fell to Earth. Descriptions

of this later space battle include writings

���������� which tell of Lucifer gathering more created beings from

another planet. The later space battle was

���������� witnessed by the Asiatic Sumerian peoples from their

location on Earth and they tell of Lucifer bringing

���������� the black kinky‑haired ones to Earth with him. These written

histories also include the names of Lucifer�s

���������� captains in his armies who were defeated in the battles of

space. One was named Voodah and another

���������� Beezelebub. These captains were given areas of Earth to rule

over and control. It was in these areas

���������� where the Captains demanded worship of Satan from the

created beings whom they had brought to

���������� Earth with them. Voodah controlled the land area we know

today as Africa and his name is the source of

���� ������idol worshipping Voodoism. Beezelebub was given the land

area we know today as Asia and we find

���������� that the name Buddha stems from this source. There was

Lucifer�s mistress named Khali. She ruled in the

���������� area we know today as India and the priests of India�s idol

worshippers today are known as Khali

���������� priests. These people are spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel in

Chapter 31 of the Book of Ezekiel.

���������� We have now covered thousands and thousands of years

through many ages of history on Earth. We see

���������� that there were created beings (Enosh) on the planet Earth

before Adam and Eve. The Enosh (this name

���������� later being erroneously translated to the word �man�) were

subjected to the great catastrophes of the

���������� Earth. Scientific discoveries of archeologists offer proof

along this line. The Enosh were here on Earth at

���������� the time when the Creator said to His Arch‑angel Michael,

�Let us put my family on the Earth. I will plant

���������� my seed on Earth to take control from Lucifer�. In reply to

Michael�s question, �Who shalt Thou send?�

���������� the Almighty said, �I will send my son Adam (which means

�man�) and I will send my daughter Eve in

���������� order that they might have children of the flesh and thereby

perpetuate my family on Earth�. Michael

���������� replied, �But they will be alone on the planet Earth where

Satan resides with his angels who have lost

���������� their first estate. Satan will do all possible to destroy our

family there and to bring them under his evil

���������� power�. The Almighty answered saying, �Yes, they will fall

under Satan�s power. I have given them the

���������� choice of good or evil to test them. I have planned it from the

beginning. I will place them in a garden at

���������� Eden where Eve will be seduced by the serpent Satan and

shall have a son my him. This evil son will I

���������� name Cain. I will also give them a good son from Adam�s

seed whom I will name Abel. They will be free

���������� to do as they choose and they will fall because of their belief

in Satan�s lies and his deceit. For their

���������� weakness and failure to obey my warnings about Satan I will

take away their protective light and they

���������� shall be naked, yet I will save them and their children in due

time. Cain will murder Abel the true son of

���������� Adam which will be their first earthly warning, yet will I give

them other children who will carry on and

���������� who will do My works.� So Adam and Eve, the children of the

Creator of the Universe, were taken from

���������� the spirit and were made children of the flesh. As children of

the flesh they were in the image of their

���������� Father the King of the Universe, in His likeness with a

reddish complexion. Today we call this race the

���������� Adamic race. It seems mysterious to many that there is no

history, no archeological evidence nor any

���������� evidence of any kind which can show the existence of this

race of people on Earth earlier than the seven

���������� thousand four hundred years which are now confirmed by


���������� Many are unaware that Adam and Eve had a spoken language

when they were placed on the planet

���������� Earth. They conversed and they wrote in that language. One

of their later sons wrote it so prolifically that

���������� it was named after him. His name is Heber and the language

was called Hebrew. A thorough investigation

���������� will reveal that another name was used to identify the

language, that being Aramaic. It will be noted that

���������� the early Greek and Latin languages stem from the Aramaic

or Hebrew, from whence we have the

���������� languages of the present day Christian nations including

English, German, Spanish, Italian, French,

���������� Scandinavia, Slavic and others.


������������������������ Chapter II

������������ A Celestial Family on Earth

���������� An Ancient word has been used since the days of Adam and

Eve to denote the evil powers of Satan on

���������� the planet Earth. This word is �sin�. In order to understand

the meaning of this word we must realize that

���������� Satan is evil, the opposite from good. Satan�s powers are

also evil and they are used to oppose and

���������� destroy all that is righteous and good. We should remember

that Satan was on Earth before the Almighty

���������� placed His children Adam and Eve on Earth. Satan�s evil

power known as �sin� was also prevalent on

���������� Earth and still remains to this day. It is then understandable

that Adam and Eve were placed on a planet

���������� which was under �sin� the evil influence of Satan. Also, their

flesh children born on Earth being born

���������� under the conditions of Satan�s evil influence �sin�. Our

Scriptures confirm this by telling us that we are

���������� born under �sin�. This does not mean that our entry into the

flesh body is an evil or sinful event, it simply

���������� means that children of the Spirit who are born into the flesh

body in the family of Adam are born under

���������� these same conditions which existed when their earth

parents Adam and Eve were placed in Eden. It is

���������� more warning than anything else.

���������� The Creator of the Universe is the Alpha and the Omega. The

beginning and the end. He knows all from

���������� the beginning to the end because He is King of the Universe.

Nothing happens without His knowing or

���������� without His planning and permitting it to happen. Thus it was

with the beginning of Adam and Eve. They

���������� were placed on Earth for a reason. The Creator sent His

Prophets to Earth with Books and with

��������� instructions to write Books and Scrolls. The Books so written

will be understood by the children of

���������� Adam and Eve who are on Earth in the flesh but are children

of the Spirit of the Creator of the Universe.

���������� Each of these children existed before the creation of the

Earth. They existed in the Spirit and are not the

���� �������Enosh� or created beings. They are celestial beings.

Brought to Earth by a process of birth into the

���������� earthly family of the Heavenly Father. When they are born

into the flesh body on Earth, they have been

���������� then �born again� because they existed before in spirit as

Celestial Beings. There is a great difference

���������� between the Celestial Beings born into the flesh on Earth and

the �Enosh� or created beings who were

���������� brought to Earth by Satan when he was cast out of the

Kingdom with his hosts who had followed him

���������� and had thereby lost their first estate. The difference

between these people on Earth are very apparent,

���������� yet the simple truth seems so impossible of understanding

by so many, even those of Adam�s family who

���������� are on Earth today.

���������� After Adam and Eve had been in the garden at Eden for some

time, the Creator put them out on their

���������� own with a free will to do of their own choosing. They were

put under a test. They were fearful of the

���������� Earth and fainted at the gate from which they were to leave

Eden. The Earth was a strange land to them,

���������� yet the Creator told them that they must go. He told Adam

not to worry because He had set the time in

������ ����days and years and He would save Adam after five thousand

and five hundred years. After this time, one

���������� would come on Earth who would save Adam and the family,

which Adam and Eve were to have. In spite

���������� of this promise from the Creator, Adam and Eve were very

upset about their having been turned out into

���������� the strange land and the darkness of Satan�s power. Adam

actually died of fright many times but each

���������� time he did so, the Creator brought him back to life and

spoke words of encouragement to him. Both

���������� Adam and Eve remembered their bright nature when they

were in Eden and they asked why the light had

���������� left them and why they were now in darkness. In reply the

Creator told them that He knew when lie put

���������� them in the garden, that they would fall under the power of

Satan and that they had been warned about it

���������� and had done so under their own free will. He explained to

Adam that Satan had once been in bright light

���������� but had deceived himself and had been cast down to Earth in

darkness as punishment for his deceit and

���������� for his failure to obey the King of the Universe. Adam asked

for permission to return to the garden just to

���������� take a look at it because he missed it so, but the Creator said

�No, I have made you a promise and when

���������� the time I have set is past, then I will bring you back into the

light and I will bring all of your righteous

���������� sons and daughters back into the garden with you�.

���������� Adam and Eve constantly discussed their glorious times in

the garden and they wept over their

��������� remembrances. Adam would beat his breast and throw

himself upon the ground from bitter grief because

���������� of the darkness he was in. In his grief he would again ask the

Creator why the Glory had departed from

���������� him and Eve. Adam said, �While we were in the garden we

saw no darkness; we didn�t even know what

���������� darkness is. I was not hidden from Eve and she was not

hidden from me. We could see each other

���������� because we were both in one bright light. Now that we have

been put out of the garden we cannot see

���������� each other in the darkness. Oh Heavenly Father, how much

longer will you plague us with this

��� �������darkness?� The Creator. Who was Adam�s Heavenly Father

answered Adam saying, �Oh Adam, even

���������� Lucifer and his hosts the Enosh were in bright light so long

as he was obedient to me. When he

���������� disobeyed me I deprived him and his hosts of the light. I

deprived them of that bright nature and they

���������� became dark. When he was in the heavens in the realm of

light, he didn�t know of darkness. But he

���������� disobeyed me and I made him fall from Heaven to the planet

Earth and I made this darkness upon him.

���������� You also Adam had that bright fight when you were obedient

to me. When I heard that you had

���������� disobeyed me I deprived you also of that bright light. But I

did not wish to destroy you completely. In my

������ ����mercy I made you what you are. I drove you from the garden

to dwell in the darkness of Earth but it is

���������� not to last forever for you. When it is over, Daylight will

return. The darkness is not a punishment for you

���������� as it is for Lucifer. It is simply that I have made in the day and

I have placed the sun in the day to give you

���������� light so you and your children can do the work on Earth for

which I have placed you there to do. I knew

���������� that you would transgress and come out of Eden unto the

Earth because I made you of the light and I put

���������� you on Earth to bring out children of light from thee. I knew

that Satan, who had deceived himself, would

���������� also deceive you and your children. So I warned you about

Satan and told you not to let him come near

���������� you and not to let him deceive you. If I hadn�t warned you of

this beforehand, it could have been an

���������� offense on my part and you could have then blamed me for

your failure. But I commanded you and I

���������� warned you, so now the blame is on you. Even so, I have

made a day for you Adam and for your

���������� children who will come after you. I have made the night for

them to rest from their daytime work, but little

���������� darkness now remains Adam and daylight will soon appear.�

���������� Adam again appealed to the Creator. He wanted to be taken

from the gloom of this Earth and from its

���������� darkness. He begged and begged to be taken back into the

garden. Again the Creator was kind with

���������� Adam giving him more advice and explanation. The

Heavenly Father told him that He would keep His

���������� promise that the darkness and gloom would pass from Adam

and that He would bring Adam and all of

���������� His righteous earthborn children back into the garden where

there is no darkness. The Creator explained

���������� further to Adam that all of his misery he had taken upon

Himself therefore his pleadings would not save

���������� him nor free him from the power of Satan on Earth. He said

that He would come to Earth in a flesh body

���������� of Adam�s family and would take upon Himself the suffering

and agony that Adam was undergoing. He

���������� would, by His coming, set Adam and all of His flesh children

free from the power of Satan. That He

���������� would use Adam�s children to bring the Earth out of its

darkness and to bring light to the Earth. After this

���������� explanation from the Heavenly Father, Adam was yet

unhappy with his earthly situation. He was very

������ ����stubborn and somewhat like a child who does not want to

obey its parents. He attempted suicide by

���������� throwing himself off a high mountain. Eve looked down and

saw him lying in a pool of blood so she also

���������� threw herself off the mountain to join Adam in Death. In this

manner they thought that they might escape

���������� from Earth and return to the garden. The Creator saw all of

this and brought Adam and Eve back to their

���������� earthly life again. He told Adam that he would just have to

suffer it out on Earth. He explained that so

���������� long as Adam would keep His commandments, His light and

His grace would protect Adam and keep

���������� him safe. But when Adam or His children violated His

commandments, then sorrow and misery would

���������� befall them in the strange land of Earth and they would suffer

as a result.

���������� There were many instances of Satan using his evil power to

deceive Adam and Eve. Satan usually

���������� appeared in their presence as an angel of the Creator or in

some form which would mislead them to

���������� believe that he was good rather than evil. Each time that he

led them astray in his effort to destroy them

���������� the Creator saved them. These early experiences of Adam

and Eve were warnings and symbolic of

���������� events to come. Once, Satan stood by while Adam, was

praying and suddenly pierced Adam�s side with

���������� a knife‑like sharp blade, killing him. The Creator brought

Adam back to life and told him that the same

��������� �thing was going to happen to Him when He would come to

Earth at a day in the future. He said that His

���������� side also would be pierced and that His blood would flow

from His side and that His earth body would

���������� then be a true offering on the alter for the purpose of saving

Adam�s family.

���������� As time pawed, the Creator finally gave His approval for the

earthly wedding of Adam to Eve. He sent

���������� Angels to direct and perform the wedding ceremony. It was

not long after this that Satan continued his

���������� efforts to destroy the family of Adam and Eve. Satan seduced

Eve and she had a son by him who was

���������� named Cain. Cain was evil and not acceptable to the Creator.

At the time Cain was born, Eve also had a

���������� daughter who was named Luluwa. Then by Adam�s seed

came the righteous Abel along with his sister.

���������� Cain murdered Abel when Cain was a little over seventeen

years of age and Abel was fifteen. Adam and

���������� Eve were in mourning for Abel and could not control Cain.

Cain took his sister Luluwa and joined

���������� Satan�s hosts who had lost their first estate. The Creator

controlled these events and put Cain out of the

���������� household of Adam because Cain was of Satan�s seed. Cain�s

children were therefor unacceptable to

���������� the Creator for the performance of His works on Earth. They

were of mixed seed and a polution of the

���������� Holy and Celestial seed.

���������� After seven years Adam and Eve had another righteous son.

He was like Abel, pure seed, and fair

��������� complexioned. His name was Seth. This son was acceptable

to the Creator and it is his family line which

���������� was to multiply like the sands of the sea, yet be the least of

all people on earth and be the Creator�s

���������� people on Earth. Theme are a Celestial people and are the

Sons of the Most High God on Earth.

���������� The generations of children from Adam and Eve began with

Seth who married Abel�s sister Aklia His

���������� eldest son was Enos but he also had many other children.

Enos married and his eldest son was Cainan

���������� but he also had many other children. The family of Celestial

people was being perpetuated on Earth by a

���������� divine plan laid down by the Creator of the Universe. It was

growing in number in spite of all that Satan

���������� could do to destroy it. The nine Patriarchs of this family from

Adam were Seth, Enos, Cainan,

���������� Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah.

Each of these were the eldest of their Fathers

���������� and were high priests who instructed all of their children in

their generations. Seth was instructed by

���������� Adam in the worship of their Heavenly Father the Creator of

the Universe. He was warned about the evil

���������� ways of Satan and had been told about Cain and the murder

of Abel. Seth and all of his generations after

���������� him were told not to mix or associate with the children of

Cain because they were children of Satan�s

���������� wed. Adam revealed all of the hidden mysteries to Seth that

God had revealed to him. He told Seth to

���������� paw the instructions on to his children and his childrens�

children. Adam gave instructions for his burial

���������� place and for the preservation of his body during a flood that

was to come. He instructed that the eldest

���������� among his children at that time should place his body on the

ship that was to save a certain number of his

���������� family from that particular place those who had remained

pure in their race line and who had not mixed

���������� with the children of Cain and the hosts of the fallen angel line

whom Satan had brought to Earth with him

���������� ages before. Adam died on the same day of the week that he

had been brought from the spirit into the

���������� flesh and the hour was the same hour of the day that he bad

departed from the garden.

���������� Seth was a great leader of a happy Celestial people on Earth.

He followed Adam�s instructions faithfully.

���������� He gathered his children often and told them of the

mysteries of the Kingdom. He instructed them to

���������� make no friendships with Cain�s children and to keep

themselves separate from them. Seth died and left

���������� his eldest son Enos as head of the tribe. In the meantime,

Cain�s children had multiplied greatly because

���������� they married often and had no morals but many children.

There were children of diverse parents and the

���������� people of Cain were evil. They lived amongst murder,

robberies and A manner of evil.

���������� Enos continued the instructions of the generations of Adam�s

Celestial household. He also instructed

���������� them to keep their children separate from Cain�s children.

After Enos died his eldest son Cainan was the

���������� leader and the chief priest of his people. He also instructed

them never to allow one of their children in

���������� the area of Cain�s children or to make any fellowship with

them whatsoever. This commandment

���������� continued and Jared became the leader and chief priest of

Adam�s family. Jared was very righteous and

���������� kept the commandment of his father about keeping separate

from the children of Cain. He constantly

���������� instructed all of his people in this matter. One day Satan

came to Jared with some Enosh of his host who

���������� deceitfully appeared as good men. Jared was suspicious

because their appearance was different from

���������� that of his fair complexioned people and he did not recognize

them as of his family. They were obviously

������� ���strangers. Jared didn�t realize that Satan was up to his old

tricks. The one way he could destroy the

���������� Creator�s celestial family on Earth was to seduce the children

of Adam and mongrelize them with the

���������� fallen angel line of people who had lost their first estate.

Some were already mongrelized with the children

���������� of Cain. They were completely under Satan�s control. When

Jared had been enticed with lies to

���������� accompany Satan into the land of Cain�s children, he was

astonished at the manner in which they lived.

���������� Their ways were evil and they were corrupt with no morals

whatsoever. Jared�s good judgment made

���������� him realize the error he had committed so he prayed to the

Creator for His forgiveness. As soon as he

���������� commenced his prayer, Satan and his hosts departed from

his vicinity immediately. It seems that Satan

���������� and his hosts could not remain where prayer to the Heavenly

Father existed. Jared was saved by his

���������� prayer and returned to his land and his people. Well knowing

that he had been fooled by Satan. After

���������� many years, Jared�s children began to do things on their own

account without first seeking advice from

���������� their elders and without consulting Jared, the Chief priest of

the tribe. As time progressed, they strayed

���������� farther and during this time, Cain�s children had multiplied at

an exceeding rate, and the Enosh had been

���������� instructed in all kinds of musical instruments by Satan. Their

clothes were colorful with many beads and

���������� trinkets, which they wore on their person as well. The

rhythms of their music were of the kind, which

���������� stimulated their emotional, and child‑like nature and they

joined in jungle rhythm and alcoholic drinks

���������� Satan had taught them to make. Satan was overjoyed and

very pleased with his power over these

���������� people. He increased their sin amongst themselves to the

point where they even hated and murdered

���������� each other, not knowing right from wrong. They took all

manner of wives and many even turned to the

���������� eating of flesh. They were so blinded by Satan�s power that

there was absolutely no inclination of right

���������� from wrong amongst them. In fact, they were not even aware

that it was Satan�s plan to use them in his

���������� attempts to destroy Adam�s celestial family on Earth. Satan

directed them to induce Seth�s children to

���������� join them at every opportunity. One day several of Jared�s

children of Seth�s family decided that they

���������� would go from their place and join the Enosh in their wild

dances and revelry which included strong

���������� drinks. Jared was very upset when he learned of his

children�s plans and he warned them not to do this

�� ��������evil thing. He told them if they did this it would be in violation

of a divine law and they would no longer be

���������� called the children of God, but would then be called children

of the devil. There was no return or Grace

���������� from the Heavenly Father for the violation of this

commandment. Jared�s children who decided to do this

���������� were a stubborn group. They paid no heed to their father�s

instructions and departed to join in the evil

���������� ways of the Enosh. They were immediately seduced by the

daughters of Cain and were lost from the

���������� Celestial family of Adam for their transgression and mixing of

the Holy seed. The departure of Adam�s

���������� children from their land to the place of Cain�s children

continued until all but a few had gone. These few

���������� were righteous children who obeyed their father�s

instructions and refused to mix with Cain�s children.

���������� These few were Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah along

with some of their kin. Their experiences

���������� in the future were to be in accordance with the plan of the

Creator who had foretold of the fall of Adam�s

���������� children to the power of Lucifer. They were to be saved from

the flood that was to be brought upon that

���������� country where Adam�s children were mixing with Cain�s

children and polluting the seed of the Holy

���������� Family, the Celestial Family of Adam. These few were to

carry on the works of their Heavenly Father on

���������� Earth. They had not violated His commandment and had kept

themselves pure in their generations. Enoch

���������� was to do many great things with the children of the Celestial

Family who remained. Noah was also to be

���������� the last elder in his area. Along with his few remaining

righteous Children who followed the instructions of

���������� their forefathers. He and his children were to be saved from

the flood that would come over that

���������� particular area and the Almighty was to use Noah�s family to

renew the Celestial Family of Adam�s seed,

���������� which He had planted on Earth.

���������� A Celestial family was ordained to grow like the sands of the

sea, yet it would be the least in number of

���������� all people on the Earth. Today, these people fulfill all of the

prophecies and the Word of the Most High,

���������� the Creator of the Universe. They are the people to whom the

Book was given and it is for them to know

���������� the mysteries of the Kingdom, but it is not for the children of

Cain to know. It is apparent that the other

���������� races of peoples on Earth today, in this twentieth century, do

outnumber them by a ratio of six to one.

���������� Yes, they have multiplied like the sands of the sea, yet they

are the least in number of all the people on

���������� Earth. They have become the �Nations� that the Heavenly

Father promised they would be. They are here

���������� on Earth during these latter days, some yet under the power

of Satan and doing his work because of their

���������� lack of knowledge as to who they are. They do not recall that

the Most High placed a blindness over

���������� them which He promised to remove in the latter days so they

would know who they are, and know that

���������� they are the living sons and daughters of the living God. Yes,

they are continuing in their violations of their

���������� Heavenly Father�s commandments and they are permitting

Cain�s children to live in their lands with them.

���������� Cain�s children are a burden to them and a thorn in their side

just as they were told they would be if they

���������� were permitted to live with Adam�s family.

���������� No matter what we do or say here, the plans of the Almighty

Father will not be changed. Not by Lucifer

���������� or the children of Cain who are in power on Earth today in

many lands. The fact remains that the

���������� Celestial family is here on Earth and they will do the works of

their Father even though they do not know

���������� who they are. For a better work it only remains for them to

know their purpose on Earth and to know

���������� who they are. This has already been revealed to them but

they joined the mob in their rejection of the

���������� Word. They are certainly what the Heavenly Father foretold a

stiff‑necked, stubborn people. Will they

���������� ever learn??


������������������������ Chapter III

������������������ The Great Pyramids

���������� Enoch, Methuselah and Noah were known to the Enosh as

great patriarchs in the land area we now

���������� know as the Middle East and Asia along with Egypt. Noah

was known to the Asiatic people as �Ho Fi�,

���������� a great white God. He was recognized by them as a Celestial

being. Many of the Patriarch�s family went

���������� to Egypt with their children and were known as the Hyksos

Shepherd Kings in that area. It was Enoch

���������� who had been taken into the Spirit by the Creator of the

Universe and had been given the secrets and the

���������� books to write for his people on Earth. Enoch knew the

mysteries of the Universe and the number of the

���������� stars in the heavens, which were visible from Earth. He and

his children along with Methuselah, Noah and

���������� their children went to Egypt where they were to use the

divine knowledge that had been given to their

���������� race. These men, sons of Adam in the flesh, who had never

violated the divine law and had not mixed

���������� with the children of Cain, were to build a great temple to their

Heavenly Father. They were in possession

���������� of knowledge, which their family does not have today

because it has been lost to them. These ancients

���������� had the mathematical knowledge of the square of the circle,

which is not known to scientists, or

���������� mathematicians of this twentieth century. They had the

knowledge and use of atomic power, which has

���������� recently been rediscovered by their descendents on Earth in

these latter days. In fact, they had space

���������� ships available and in use, along with the power of the

Creator of the Universe who had given them these

���������� things for their own use to fulfill His plans and to do His work

on Earth. One of their primary tasks before

���������� the time of the flood, which was to save Noah and his family

in the land of Cain, was to build a great

���������� temple of stone. This temple was to contain the symbolic and

detailed information given to Enoch and

���������� which he also wrote in his books, which were left for the

Heavenly Father�s children on Earth. The

���������� temple was to be built at the exact center of the Earth as it

related to the stars in the heavens of which

���������� Enoch knew. The Temple of stone was to have a �Head of a

Corner� (a pyramid) and it would contain

���������� evidence of the complete history and chronology of the race

of people planted on Earth by the Creator.

���������� It was also to contain the word of the Creator, which was to

be revealed to His people in the latter days.

���������� But the prophecy indicated that the builders were to reject

the �Head of the Corner� and they did. This

���������� great temple to the Most High, Creator of the Universe, was

not only to contain the symbolism of the

���������� books that Enoch brought, but it would one day appear in

another manner in a new land which was to be

���������� given to His people. This land would be a New Jerusalem

with a great sea on the East and a great sea on

���������� the West. It would be divided by great rivers and mountains

and would contain the brass and good things

���������� in the land. It would be a land of milk and honey where the

box trees and the fir trees would grow. It

���������� would be a nation of His people. It would be the only nation.

With the Most High as its King, lending to

���������� all and borrowing from none. The great Seal of that nation

would contain the symbolism and heraldry of

���������� the temple that was built by the children of Enoch and it

would appear on that nation�s money along with

���������� another symbol, the great spread wings of the Eagle. (Rev.)

���������� Knowledge of these things was available beforehand to the

Hyksos Shepherd Kings who were the

���������� descendents of Adam and Eve. It was with this knowledge

that they built the great temple known as the

����� �����Pyramid of Gizeh. Great stones were placed in exact

alignment with the stars of the heavens. The stones

���������� cut to an exactness so perfect that even a razor blade could

not show a measure of error. They were

���������� placed one upon the other with this same exactness. All of

these things were accomplished by the

���������� children of Enoch, yet there is not one bit of archeological

evidence of any modern day or other type

��������� construction equipment used by these Shepherd Kings in the

building of their temple. Why? Because the

��������� construction equipment used by them is not known to

so‑called modern society. It was accomplished

���������� with atom powered space vehicles which are invisible today

but which exist in the Kingdom of the

���������� Creator to this day, and forever. One day in the future He will

put them to use again for His people here

���������� on Earth.

���������� There were other areas where these same atomic powered

space vehicles were used by Enoch�s

���������� children. They were used in the Isles where today many

historians and scientists are puzzled about certain

���������� very large stones and how they were placed in their present

positions. � But let us return to Enoch in

���������� Egypt. It was there where he had his children build a great

city, the city of On, which later had its name

���������� changed to Heliopolis by the Greek Scholars who descended

from Noah�s family through Shem. At the

���������� city of On (Heliop_olis), Enoch and his people had established

great libraries and a University for the

���������� learning of their children. The High Priest of On was always

of Enoch�s race of people, all of whom were

���������� an earthly priesthood known in that day as the Melchizidek

priesthood, which was to have a substitute

���������� for many years and then return to Earth again in the latter

days. Enoch established the various grades of

���������� the University at On, the highest grade being called the Order

of Masonos. This highest Order had

����� �����certain symbols to identify its members. These symbols

were the Square and the Compass because

���������� Enoch�s races of people were known in that day as the

�builder race�. It was from this highest Order of

���������� priests that Enoch selected four groups, each with a leader,

to watch in the heavens for the sign that

���������� would be given to indicate the time and place of the Creator�s

arrival on Earth as He had foretold. Enoch

���������� knew the mysteries of the Heavens and the sign that was to

be given. He had been told that the planets

���������� Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would come into alignment in the

heavens, but this must happen four times,

���������� once in each quarter of the year. When this occurred once in

each quarter of the year that would be the

���������� year of His coming. The conjunction would create a great

single light similar to a star in the heavens and

���������� the tail of that star would sit directly over the place on Earth

where the Creator of the Universe would be

���������� born in the flesh. Enoch�s four groups of priests from the

Order of Masonos were stationed at four

���������� different mountainous locations east of Jerusalem and they

continued their watchfulness for many years.

���������� They had been given the sign to watch for and the

circumstances under which the sign would occur.

���������� Although we have not mentioned it in our story thus far,

there were ancient names used by Adam and

���������� Eve and their children. These names in their language which

later became known as the Hebrew

���������� language, named after Heber one of their children used to

identify the children of Adam�s family and the

���������� Creator of the Universe. The ancient word �El� and the word

�Elohim� were used to denote the Creator

���������� of the Universe or the King of the Universe. The word �Ra�

means �Ruler� and the word �Ish� means

���������� �Prince� or �Son�. The son of a King is known as a prince.

Enoch used the three words together as

���������� Ish‑ra‑el, meaning princes ruling with their Father the King, or

in other words, sons of the King or Sons

���������� of God. The actual name of the Heavenly Father in their

language was spelled �YHWH� because they

���������� had no vowels in the language. This name is pronounced.

�Yahweh�. The Greek scholars later translated

���������� the Scriptures into their Greek language which was a

derivation from the ancient Hebrew. They translated

���������� this name �YHWH� or �Yahweh� to the Greek name

�Yahshua� and �Ya‑zeus�. Years later when the

���������� Greek translations were further translated to the then known

English language, the same name was

���������� translated from the Greek �Yahshua� or �Ya‑zeus� to the

English name �Jesus�. It was Yahweh, the

���������� Creator of the Universe, who said that He would take on a

flesh body, the same flesh body He had given

���������� to Adam and Eve. That He would come to the Earth for the.

purpose of performing a ritual and a

���������� sacrifice by shedding of flesh blood in the same manner as

Adam had done in his early days on Earth.

���������� This would be accomplished for the purpose of redeeming

Adam and all of His earthly children from Sin,

���������� which was the earthly evil power of Satan. It would set His

children completely free from Satan as He

���������� had promised Adam in the early days. He would therefore be

known as the �Saviour� of His Celestial

���������� Family that He had placed on Earth where Satan and his

hosts had held sway for hundreds and even

���������� thousands of thousands of years. The children of the

Creator�s Celestial family were told to occupy the

���������� Earth and rule over it in righteousness until the time that He

would bring His kingdom to the Earth. They

���������� were continuously warned against mixing with the children

of Satan and they were taught to pray �Our

���������� Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy

Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it

���������� is in heaven.

���������� Enoch returned to the Celestial Spirit from his flesh body life

on Earth but many of his children continued

���������� their work in various places. Some were in the Isles, some

were in Europe, some were in America and

���������� some were in Egypt. In the meantime, Noah and His family

were doing their work in another area. They

���������� had remained in the area of Eden and the high Holy Mountain

where Adam�s children had been raised

���������� before they went down to mix with the children of Cain. It

was in this country where Noah resided that

���������� the Creator brought on a flood, which had been promised in

the days of Adam. Noah and his immediate

���������� family had been selected to bring about a renewing of the

Creator�s family on Earth. The story of Noah

���������� needs no repeating here but the truth should be emphasized

that all of his family were of the one race the

���������� Adamic race which is the Celestial Family descended from

Adam. Ham, Shem and Japheth were all of

���������� fair complexion. Ham and Japheth were later to be lost as

were Jared�s children, in violation of the

���������� Creator�s commandment not to go out and mix with the

children of Cain. Shem was elected to obey the

���������� commandment and maintain the Holy seed line, pure,

without mixing with Cain�s children or the Enosh of

���������� creation. Thus did Shem become a great Patriarch known to

the children of Enoch who had remained in

���������� other areas such as Egypt and the Isles.

���������� From Shem descended a righteous son named Abram. When

Abram was blessed with the assignment of

���������� maintaining the pure seed line of the Creator�s Celestial

Family, his name was changed to Ab‑RA‑ham

���������� His righteousness included tithing to Shem and the

Melchizidek priesthood, which Shem then led.

���������� Abraham was told that he would be the father of many

nations, that he and his seed after him would carry

���������� the blessings of Yahweh, the Most High God of his fathers

and that his seed would become many

���������� nations. This family of Celestial beings was to carry out t he

Creator�s plans to provide the family line

���������� through which He would come to Earth as for‑ordained and

as promised to Adam. Abraham was to

���������� raise sons and daughters who would carry on to do the

things that Yahweh the Creator had planned and

���������� promised. His son Isaac had many children. It was to be

through Isaac�s children that the promises were

���������� to be confirmed. Isaac�s son Jacob was then blessed to carry

on the project, therefore he was given the

���������� ancient name used by Enoch and Adam, the name again

being employed in the family line as �Israel� or

���������� �Prince�, ruling with the King�. Isaac�s other son Esau was

not blessed to carry on the pure Adamic

��������� �family of Yahweh because he violated the commandment

and took Canaanite wives. This mixed the

���������� Adamic seed with Satan�s seed and therefore many of

Satan�s children today appear on the surface to

���������� be of the Adamic race, while others have the appearance of

the pre‑Adamic peoples with whom they

���������� mixed. They, along with the Shelahites were later to be

known as Edomites.

���������� Jacob, now known by the ancient name Israel, was to have

twelve sons to carry on and multiply into

���������� many nations of Celestial people. As these sons grew, they

roamed the country in their daily lives. Judah

���������� was somewhat more of a roamer than the others. He left his

father�s land on one occasion and went to

���������� the area occupied by the children of Cain. While there, he

violated the commandment of Yahweh and

���������� took a mongrelized woman of Cain�s family line. (See

Chapter 38, Book of Genesis, vs. 1‑11). This

���������� woman�s name was Shua. She had three illegitimate sons by

Judah, the first being named Er, the second

���������� Onan and the third Shelah. After some time, Judah returned

to *his* father�s land but not to stay. He

���������� remained for a short time and departed once more for the

area occupied by the children of Cain. On this

���������� second trip he took a young woman of Israelite stock with

him. His intention was to give her as a wife to

���������� his eldest mongrel son Er. She was a beautiful young

woman, fair complexioned, blue‑eyed, and with

��������� �auburn colored hair. Her name was Tamar. Upon their arrival,

Judah wasted no time in arranging the

���������� marriage. He failed to realize that the Almighty Father was in

control of his every move and was using him

���������� for a specific purpose. As this marriage of a daughter of His

Celestial Family to a mongrelized son from

���������� the family of Cain was a violation of the Creator�s

commandment, the Creator caused Er to die, leaving

���������� Tamar childless, a widow. Judah then gave her to his second

son by Shua but again the Creator took a

���������� hand in the matter and destroyed Onan, leaving Tamar a

childless widow for the second time. Judah did

���������� not recognize nor realize the divine intervention that was

taking place in this matter to prevent the mixing

���������� of the Holy seed in this instance. Tamar knew what she must

do because she was under the divine

���������� control of the Heavenly Father. She played the harlot. Hiding

her face from Judah so he did not recognize

����� �����her, she seduced Judah, bringing him back into his Celestial

Family line and gave birth to twin boys.

���������� These twins were named Pharez and Zarah. They were

beautiful boys of pure stock. Judah and Tamar

���������� then returned to Abraham�s land, taking the twins Pharez and

Zarah with them. These twins were later

���������� taken to Egypt with the children of Israel (Jacob) and their

geneology is recorded amongst the tribes of

���������� Israel. Yahweh intended to use their family line for His birth

into a flesh body on Earth and did so. We

���������� learn from Luke that this family line of Judah by Pharez, one

of the twins by Tamar, is the family by which

���������� Yahweh was born. The other twin Zarah has a geneology,

which traces to the Dardic Kings of Scotland

���������� and Ireland. This, by the way is the present‑day family of

people known as �Anglo‑Saxon�. The name

���������� �Saxon� derives from the name �Isaac�. The tribe of Isaac

was later known as �Isaac�s sons�. The �I�

���������� was dropped and the name pronounced Sach�s sons, later

spelled Saxons. History now confirms their

���������� name as well as their eventual location as a people in

Western Europe.

���������� Another important part of the story of Judah should be told at

this point. It concerns the third son of

���������� Judah by Shua the woman who was of Cain�s family. The

name of this son is Shelah. Shelah was of

���������� Mongrelized seed, some white from Judah and the balance of

Negro and Asiatic mixture from his mother

���������� Shua (Canaanite‑Adullamite.) Shelah�s family was called

�Shelahites� by his name. At a later time after

���������� Israel�s Celestial Family had come out of Egypt on their

divine Mission, the Shelahites were then known

���������� by another name Edomites. We will leave them for the

moment and return to them later in our history. At

���������� that time we will see that they are known by another name.


������������������������ Chapter IV

������������ ���������������Exodus

���������� In Egypt, the family of Jacob became known as Hebrews

because that was the name of their language.

���������� They were also known as Israelites because Jacob�s name

had been changed to Israel with the family

���������� becoming known as the children of Israel. There has been a

great deal of misinformation written and told

���������� about these people. But the truth has also been told. One day

it will be understood by their descendents.

���������� The people known as Israel in Egypt were the pure seed

descendents of Adam and Eve. Their geneology

���������� is confirmed by Scripture and by history. They were of that

Celestial family placed on Earth to do the

������� ���works of Yahweh, the Creator of the Universe and their

Heavenly Father. He placed them in Egypt

���������� where their ancestors had been before them and where

Adam was buried. He was buried in the great

���������� temple, built by their ancestors who had been there with

Enoch. A common error, which has been placed

���������� in writings by the children of Satan, had misled many

descendents of Israel. This error is due to the

���������� mis‑use and mistranslation of words. For instance, the word

�Jew� is used in the translated versions of

���������� our Bible as well as other writings. The word �Jew� did not

exist at the time Israel�s family was in Egypt.

���������� In the chronology of our Holy Scriptures it was not used or

known until many hundreds of years after the

���������� Israelites or Hebrews (not Jews) had come out of Egypt. At

the time it was used by the Israelites, it

���������� referred to a certain people who lived in Southern Judea.

These people were called �Yehudi�, a Hebrew

���������� word when translated to the English language means �Jew�.

To understand the true source of this word

���������� one must search the Scriptures as well as the history of

those people who were known at that time by the

���������� name �Yehudi�. Let us now continue with our story of the

Israelites and we will return to the Yehudi as

���������� our story moves on. We needn�t repeat the entire story of

Moses here, but he was chosen by Yahweh to

���������� be the leader or Patriarch of the Creator�s people. Moses had

been taken out of Egypt for his training.

���������� He married into the family of his ancestor Enoch, his wife

being a tall blue‑eyed daughter of one of the

���������� Hyksos Shepherd Kings. These were members of the same

race of people as was Moses and the same

���������� family who had remained from the days prior to Isaac and


���������� The families of Israel had multiplied in Egypt and were

brought out by Moses as one nation. Upon their

���������� exodus, Moses set out the thirteen tribes or families whose

geneology had been maintained by their

���������� customs from ancient days past. There were now thirteen

tribes because Joseph had given his birthright

���������� to his two sons Ephraim and Manassah, splitting the twelfth

tribe into two parts. This added one tribe to

���������� the original twelve making a total of thirteen tribes. Ephraim

and Manassah are the House of Joseph, both

���������� being tribes of the Whole House of Israel.

���������� While in Egypt, Joseph had married a tall, blue‑eyed

daughter of the High Priest of the City of On

��������� (Heliopolis). These people of On were of the same race as

Joseph and were the descendents of Enoch

���������� and the Hyksos Shepherd Kings from the days prior to Isaac

and Jacob. There has been a

��������� misconception on the part of many authors and translators

who have described the wives of Moses and

���������� Joseph as �Egyptian women�. These women were not the

so‑called Egyptian of mongrel seed as were

���������� the native inhabitants at that time. They were daughters of

the former Hyksos Shepherd Kings who were

���������� also called Aryans. Ancient writings describe both the wife of

Moses and the wife of Joseph as tall,

���������� blue‑eyed and fair complexioned women.

���������� As Moses took the family of Israel out of Egypt, he set three

tribes on the North, three on the South,

���������� three on the West and three on the East. The tribe of Levi

ordained as the new priesthood was placed in

���������� the center. Each of the twelve tribes, other than the tribe of

Levi, had a standard which identified it and

���������� which derived from the ancient days of their forefathers. The

standards of the twelve tribes are the twelve

���������� signs of the Zodiac. Hundreds of years after the Exodus of

Israel from Egypt, these twelve standards of

���������� the Whole House of Israel were to be seen constantly behind

the large banquet tables of the Viking

���������� Kings in Northern Europe. The Great Seal of the United

States of America is the Seal of Manassah, one

���������� of the tribes of Israel, of the House of Joseph. This Great Seal

contains the heraldry of the House of

���������� Israel.

���������� Upon their exodus from Egypt the people again repeated the

very infractions and violations of divine law,

���������� as had their ancestors under Jared when he was the

Patriarch of the Creator�s Celestial Family on Earth.

���������� They immediately began worshipping idols and the golden

calf along with material things in the manner of

� ���������Satan and his children who were the arch‑enemy of their

Heavenly Father. Satan and his children were

���������� also the arch‑enemy of Adam and all of his earthly children,

but those who came out of Egypt were just

���������� as blind to the ways of Satan as many of their ancestors had

been before them. Yet, they were under

���������� Grace from their Heavenly Father and would receive His

forgiveness for anything they might do in error

���������� except for that which He had commanded them not to do,

that of mixing the Holy seed or mongrelizing

���������� with the children of Cain and the Enosh who had been

created on Earth ages before. The violation of this

���������� commandment could not be forgiven as once the Holy seed

had been polluted the act was done. It was

���������� one from which there is no return.

���������� As the transgressions of His people continued, the Creator

placed them in a desert wilderness for a

���������� period of forty years. This was for the purpose of training

them by hardship and to place His laws in their

���������� hearts and minds forever. They were to learn His laws from

experience. This placing of His laws of

��������� righteousness in their hearts was called �circumcision of the

foreskin of the heart� (now called Baptism).

���������� After they had completed this forty years of training, they

were to take back the lands that had been

���������� given to their ancestor Abraham, but which were then

occupied by the children of Cain. When they were

���������� returned to their lands they were instructed by the Word of

their Heavenly Father to drive all of Cain�s

���������� children from the lands and not to allow Cain�s children to

live in their lands with them. This they failed to

���������� do and the Creator became very angry with them for their

constant transgression of His Word. Hundreds

���������� of years before the day that He was to come to Earth to save

them, He became so angry with them that

���������� He took the name of Israel away from them and put a

blindness over them so they wouldn�t know who

���������� they were. He said to them, �You are a stiff‑necked stubborn

people. You are violating my

��������� commandments, my statutes and my judgments. I am taking

the name Israel away from you and I am

������ ����placing a blindness over you so you will not know who you

are. You will not be known by the name

���������� Israel forever more, but in the latter days you will be known

by the Name of the One I send to redeem

���������� you.� The true Israel people of that time would therefore be

known in the latter days by the Name of Him

���������� who came to redeem them. Can it be denied that His Name is

Jesus Christ and the name of His people

���������� Christians? Do the white Christian nations on Earth today

fulfill the prophecies given to those who were

���������� called by the name Israel at that time? If so then they must

be descendents of those people.

���������� As time progressed, the one nation of the Hebrews (not

Jews) split into two nations. One was called the

���������� nation or House of Israel and the other was the nation or

House of Judah. The House of Israel consisted

���������� of ten tribes and the House of Judah consisted of two tribes,

Benjamin and Judah. The tribe of Levi who

���������� were ordained as the priests were dispersed throughout both

nations but gradually concentrated at

���������� Jerusalem with the House of Judah. The nation of Judah (two

tribes) was located in Northern Judea while

���������� the ten tribes as the nation of Israel were well North of Judea

in Samaria. In Southern Judea there were a

���������� people formerly known as Shelahites and later known as

Edomites. These people were not allowed in

���������� Northern Judea or in the congregation of Israel. They were

called by the Israelites in their Hebrew

���������� language �Yehudi�. The name in Hebrew meant �the cursed

ones�. These people were the descendents

���������� of Shelah, a mongrelized son of Judah by Shua from

centuries previous when Judah had left his father�s

� ���������land and had committed the adultery. They were joined with

the mongrelized descendents of Esau who

���������� had taken Canaanite wives in the days of Jacob and all were

called �Yehudi�. The �Yehudi� lived in

���������� Southern Judea by and to themselves. They were not

permitted in Northern Judea or in Jerusalem nor to

���������� mix with the Israelites because they were descendents of

Cain with whom the Israelites from Ancient

���������� times had been told not to mix. After many years, the ten

tribes known as the nation of Israel were taken

���������� into captivity to the North by the Assyrians (Yehudi). They

too nearly two thirds of the nation of Judah

���������� with them leaving about one third of the population in

Northern Judea and the area of Jerusalem.

��������� Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, where Baal (Satan) was

worshipped, came along later and took most of

���������� the remaining people of Judah into Babylonian captivity. He

left only a few in the land, some of whom

���������� were the ancestors of Paul (Saul) the Apostle. At this time,

the �Yehudi� who had been restricted to

���������� Southern Judea, invaded Northern Judea and Jerusalem, by

force of numbers and their aggressiveness

���������� they simply invaded and took over. They set up the

Babylonian (Satan�s) ecclesiastical system with the

���������� Babylonian Talmud as their Bible, the Babylonian debt

money system and the Babylonian atheistic system

���������� of Government in the land. It was the �Yehudi� whom Jesus

revealed hundreds of years later as the

���������� children of Satan. He switched their money changers from

the court of the temple saying that they had

���������� stolen the Father�s House and had made it a den of thieves.

He revealed their atheistic form of

�������� ��government as one we know today by the name of

�Communism�. These were the �Yehudi� in the days

���������� of Jesus and they are the �Yehudi� today. They are still

doing the works of their father the devil and it

���������� includes the efforts of Satan to mix the Holy seed of Adam�s

family in order to destroy them, as Satan

���������� has tried to do since Adam and Eve came out of the garden.


�������������������������� Chapter V

�������������� �����������The Nations

���������� The promise was made to Abraham, the father of the people

known as Israel, that his children would

���������� become many nations. This they have done. (A nation is a

family with a King.) When His people were

���������� brought out of Egypt they were one nation and Yahweh their

Heavenly Father, the Creator of the

���������� Universe, was their King. As time progressed and they

strayed farther and farther from His laws for

���������� government and for nations, they asked Him to let them have

men kings over them. They did not realize

���������� the trouble they would be in for, but the Heavenly Father

knew because He had planned it that way from

���������� the day He gave Adam and Eve a free choice. It was because

of the men kings that they fought amongst

���������� themselves, but a promise had been made by the Creator to

their father Abraham and it was to be

���������� fulfilled. The Prophets and the Scripture told them that they

would be taken into captivity and that each

���������� tribe would be under punishment for a period of two

thousand, five hundred and twenty years from the

���������� day of its captivity then the Creator would make them a

nation. This was the �seven times� punishment

���������� prophesied in Scripture. The period of time is confirmed by

history. Each of the tribes were taken into

���������� captivity by the Assyrians (Yehudi) at different times and

dates which can be confirmed by Scripture.

���������� When the prophetic �time� is applied to these dates, with a

research of known history, it should not be

���������� surprising that exactly two thousand, five hundred and

twenty years after the captivity of the tribe of Dan,

���������� Denmark became a nation on that precise day. Two

thousand, five hundred and twenty years after the

���������� captivity of the tribe of Gad, Italy became a nation on that

exact day. Two thousand, five hundred and

���������� twenty years after Isachaar was taken into captivity, Finland

became a nation on that day. The present

���������� day Finnish war song uses the words, �on to war ye men of

Isachaar�. It was played over the radios in

���������� the United. States when the Soviets attacked little Finland

during the late 1930�s. Again, two thousand,

������� ���five hundred and twenty years from the date that the tribe of

Ephraim was taken into Assyrian captivity,

���������� the Union Jack was approved by England and England

became an empire on the exact day. When the

���������� prophetic time of Daniel is added to the prophetic time of the

Israel nation, Judah, the years add perfectly

���������� for Germany, which became a nation on the exact day from

the captivity of the tribe of Judah. With

���������� Ephraim, the Scriptures gay that Ephraim shall be a nation

and a company of nations and the British

��������� Commonwealth is exactly that. And so on for the other tribes

of Israel. But not to be forgotten is the tribe

���������� of Manassah. Two thousand five hundred and twenty years

from the day Manassah was taken into

���������� Assyrian captivity, is the 4th of July 1776. To top that, the

Great Seal of the United States is the Seal of

���������� Manassah. It contains the great pyramid, as well as the

spread wings of the great Eagle. Manassah was

���������� to be a great people; a gathering of the nations of Yahweh�s

Kingdom. Today we should question

���������� ourselves. Are we keeping the Heavenly Father�s

commandment that He gave to Adam and the

���������� generations of our forefathers? Are we keeping His laws for

our nation and its government? Are we

���������� allowing Cain�s children in our land to do the works of their

father rather than for us to do the works of

���������� our Father? Have we allowed Cain�s children into our land

and our government to bring Satan�s form of

���������� government.

����������� Communism, to the fore? We see the blindness of

supposedly intelligent men in high places when they

����������� speak or write that our forefathers came to America because

of religious persecution. This is simply not

�������������� true. It is one of Satan�s lies and these blind men repeat

Satan�s lie so many times that even they

������������ themselves begin to believe it as the truth. There is not one

official document of our government to

����� �������support such a statement as the one we hear about

religious persecution. Our forefathers wrote in the

����������� official documents of this nation, from the Mayflower

Compact through the Charters of all of the thirteen

����������� colonies and into the Articles of Confederation, that they

came here to advance the Faith of Jesus Christ

����������� and to form a GOVERNMENT under His Laws, the King of

Kings and the God of Hosts, the Creator

����������� of the Universe. They came to this land, the new Jerusalem

that had been promised to God�s Israel and

���������� which had been described perfectly in the Scriptures. They

came with the permission and blessings of the

����������� Royal House of their former land and with the permission

and blessings of its government. Men from the

����������� Isles had come to this land many years before Lief Erickson

who came before Columbus. These men of

����������� Ireland came by sea and traveled by land from Labrador to

Florida. They wrote that God told them to

���� ��������return to the Isles because the land was not yet ready for

them. When the land was to be ready, the

������������ Creator kept His promise and provided the divine

circumstances to fulfill His Word. He brought His

����������� children to the new land that He had promised them when

they were in the old Jerusalem. At that time,

������������� He said, �Of this Jerusalem I will make a land of

abomination and desolation. I will give thee a new

���������� Jerusalem, a new land. One that will have a great sea on the

East and a great sea on the West. It will be a

������������ land of milk and honey, where the box trees and the fir

trees will grow. Great rivers will divide it and

������������ mountains and it will have the brass in the land. It will be a

gathering of my children from their other

����������� nations and will lend to all and borrow from none. It will be

the only nation with Yahweh, the Most High

���������������������������� God of your Fathers, Creator of the Universe as

your King.�

���������� Yes, our forefathers came to this land with their Book, which

contained His word, and they came to form

���������� a government under His laws. This they said, this they wrote,

and this they did. They formed thirteen

���������� colonies as they were from thirteen tribes. They were and

are the only nation with the Most High Yahweh

���������� as their King. They wrote on their money �in God We Trust�.

���������� They are a gathering of His people from the other nations of

His people. They have two things in

���������� common, all being of the Adamic race and all being

Christians. In spite of all the lies of Satan and his

���������� children, these sovereign States of the great nation of His

Kingdom were formed by men of the Adamic

���������� race and their women were mighty in their tasks. This nation

and this government were founded by white

���������� men and white women who were Christians. They fought

their way across the wilderness and built a

���������� great nation. In the name of the God of our Fathers, this

nation will remain a white man�s land and a white

���������� man�s government. Until the Arch‑angel calls the end of time.


����������������������� Chapter VI

����������������������� The Union

���������� As the new nation of Adam�s family developed, they formed

a Treaty of Friendship between their

���������� thirteen separate States. This Treaty of Friendship was a

written contract of government taken from the

���������� Holy Book that they had brought with them to their new

Jerusalem. It was written in accordance with the

���������� laws for government and had been given to their forefathers

by Moses on the Mount. The law had been

���������� placed in their hearts and in their minds forever during the

forty years in the wilderness upon their exodus

���������� from Egypt. These same laws had since become known to

the world as �Anglo‑Saxon Law�. The Treaty

���������� they wrote in this land is known as the �Articles of

Confederation�, which is the source of the great

��������� Constitution of these United States of America. The Articles

of Confederation were adopted to be in

���������� effect �Forever�. They are perpetual, never to be repealed

nor amended. Subsequently, the thirteen

�������� ��States adopted another Treaty amongst themselves to be in

effect �forever�, never to be repealed nor

���������� amended. This is known as the Ordnance of the Territories.

This Treaty was adopted in order that new

���������� States entering the Union from territory immediately

adjacent to any original State would have the same

���������� rights and conditions of government as the original States

had under the Treaty of Friendship known as

���������� the Articles of Confederation.

���������� It seems appropriate at this point to reflect upon present day

activities of the Federal Congress and the

���������� Federal Government. Let us examine the acts of the Federal

Congress, which brought the Islands of

���������� Hawaii and the Territory of Alaska into the Union. The only

Law or lawful basis for such acts is the

���������� Organic Law referred to a few moments ago the Ordnance of

the Territories, along with the articles of

��������� Confederation. These were adopted to be in effect �forever�,

therefore not even Congress may repeal or

���������� amend them. To select the specific law, the Ordnance of the

Territories would be the specific Law in

���������� question as it pertains to the entry of new States into the

Union. But these Ordnances were made for new

���������� States �adjacent� to existing States of the Union. They did

not provide for distant lands being brought

���������� into the Union, because it is a Union of States OF AMERICA.

Either Hawaii or Alaska are �adjacent� to

���������� existing States of the Union. It can be questioned therefore

as to whether or not such acts of the Federal

���������� Congress are lawful. If nothing else, they are certainly a

dangerous precedent.

���������� The economic conditions of the Union of States under the

Articles of Confederation were also in

���������� accordance with the Holy Book. There was no usury in the

system. Colonial script was used for the

��������� distribution of goods and physical wealth. The issue of the

script money was controlled by the Assembly

���������� or Legislative body of each Colony or State and was paid into

circulation interest free for services

���������� obtained by the government. It was therefore acceptable in

payment of taxes because the purpose of

���������� taxes is for the government to obtain services from the

people. The issue of money was interest free, not

���������� loaned into circulation as it is today. The Colonies as well as

the States of the Union were free from debt

���������� and their economy was prospering under their debt free

money system. In fact, it was not the English

���������� stamp tax that caused the explosion and the Boston Tea

Party as much as it was that the English

���������� demanded that the taxes be paid in English money. The

Colonists had no English money with which to

���������� pay the tax and the only way they could have paid the taxes

in English money would have been to

���������� borrow money from the private bankers of England or

Europe, thereby creating a debt with interest to

���������� pay. The Colonists knew that the children of Cain were the

money lenders in control of the banks of

���������� England and Europe. They also knew that these whom Jesus

had revealed as the children of Satan

���������� wanted to control the wealth of this new nation by their

control of its money. Mr. Benjamin Franklin

���������� knew this better than anyone at that time. He knew that his

nation would have serious trouble if it

���������� permitted Cain�s children to become citizens in the new

nation. He wanted the people not to permit the

���������� children of Cain to be citizens.

���������� After the conflict with the mother country, conditions in the

new land were slightly chaotic. Tempers were

���������� hot and local rule was guarded jealously. Having gained their

independence as sovereign States, the

���������� granting of any governmental power to anyone outside their

immediate control was not favorably looked

���������� upon. In fact, it was not to be. The Union under the Treaty of

Friendship known as the Articles of

��������� Confederation was not too successful from the viewpoint of a

�national� or �federal� government. The

���������� Congress could not raise funds for operation of the central

government, in fact, all the congress could do

���������� was convene and adjourn. It had been given no power by the

sovereign States. The States simply

���������� refused to give any power to a central or federal government

under any circumstances. Intelligent leaders

���������� of the new nation realized that some form of compromise

must be made in this area of government. They

���������� knew that the Union of sovereign states under the Articles of

Confederation must be made more perfect.

���������� Yet, the Articles were a contract of government between the

States, which had been adopted to be in

���������� effect forever, never to be repealed, altered or amended.

They knew that the Union of the sovereign

���������� States must be made �more perfect�, yet they also knew that

the States would not accept a �more

�� ��������perfect� form of government unless the powers granted to a

central or federal government were limited in

���������� writing. They wanted a written contract. This they attempted

to obtain and when one reads the Preamble

���������� of the Constitution it is very clear that the intention was not

to form a �new� government, but merely a

���������� �more perfect� one. Not a �new� Union separate from the

Union already formed under the Articles of

��������� Confederation, but simply �We, the people, In Order to Form

a More Perfect Union. A �new� Union

���������� would have been impossible because of the perpetuity or

permanency of the original Union. The

��������� Constitution was drafted from the very wording and phrases

of the Articles of Confederation, which has

���������� its source, the Holy Bible. But when it came time for the

individual sovereign States to ratify the new

��������� Constitution, they would not do so until the first Ten

Amendments known as the Bill of Rights had been

���������� made a part of the agreement. When the Congress was

discussing the first Amendment to this Bill of

���������� Rights, some interesting records of the committee hearings

were made. It was made clear that this

���������� Amendment was not to be construed as to eliminate the

Christian religion, which was the only religion,

���������� involved. The Laws of the Colonies and the early States

made it clear that one must be a Christian in

���������� order to hold office in the government. There was to be no

question about this Amendment permitting

���������� freedom �in� religion, rather than freedom �from� religion. It

was stated at this time, �These people are a

���������� religious people. If this Amendment is to be construed as

one to deny them their national religion, which is

��������� Christianity, then we would rather continue fighting as we

have been in this past conflict.� No other

���������� religion other than Christianity was in the minds of those who

drafted the Constitution and the Bill of

���������� Rights. The purpose described was not one of religion per

se, but of the various sects or forms of

���������� worship within the Christian religion. The purpose of the First

Amendment was to prevent any Federal

���������� government from prescribing any one sect or form of

worship within the Christian religion.

���������� The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Bill of Rights are of

vital concern to the protection of the

��������� Constitution as a whole and to the Union of Sovereign States.

These two Amendments are clearly in

���������� accord with the demands of the States at that time. They

would not enter into any agreement for any form

���������� of �federal� or �central� government unless its powers were

limited. The Ninth Amendment made it clear

�������� ��that each power granted to the Federal government would be

specified and distinctly enumerated in the

��������� Constitution and that just because there was no enumeration

for the States and the people it did not mean

���������� that the States and people did not have them, as it did mean

that the federal government did not have

���������� them. The Tenth Amendment carried this point to a further

clarification. It made clear that the

��������� Constitution needs no interpretation. The central or Federal

government is one of limited powers. It has

���������� absolutely NO �rights�. Only the States and the people have

�rights�. And the ONLY powers that the

���������� central or federal government has are those, which are

specifically enumerated IN THE

�� ��������CONSTITUTION. If the Constitution itself does not enumerate

a power specifically as one given to the

���������� federal government, which includes all of the branches of the

federal government, then the federal

���������� government does NOT have it. The Constitution is simple in

its understanding. We hear some persons,

���������� even lawyers; say that the Supreme Court interprets the

Constitution. How wrong can they be? If the

���������� Supreme Court has the power to �interpret� the Constitution,

the only place it could get that enumerated

���������� power would be from the Constitution itself. The Constitution

is the means by which the States created

���������� the Supreme Court as a part of the Federal Government. Can

we find any such power granted to the

���������� Supreme Court in the Constitution? Absolutely not. Then the

Tenth Amendment becomes clear. If the

��������� Constitution itself does not specifically enumerate a power,

then the Supreme Court does NOT HAVE

���������� IT. This needs no interpretation. If the Constitution does not

give a power to the Supreme Court or any

���������� branch of the Federal Government, that power is then

retained by the States or the people. So, we see

���������� that the Supreme Court does NOT have the power to

�interpret� the Constitution. We see that the States

���������� gave the Supreme Court the power �to rule on cases at law�.

This simply means that a �case at law� must

���������� be brought before the Court. A �case at law� is an issue

where one has questioned a �law� or an act of a

��������� legislature. The Supreme Court may not take a �case at law�

which has not been brought before the

���������� lower Courts unless an Ambassador, Public Minister or a

State � is involved, all in the �case�. It only has

���������� �original� jurisdiction in such cases, but �appellate�

jurisdiction in others. A ruling of the Court does NOT

���������� become a law because the courts may not make a law. Only

a legislature may make a Law and even that

���������� power is limited. The States gave the federal legislature the

power to enact legislation, which is �in

���������� accordance with and in pursuance of the Constitution�. If the

federal legislature enacts legislation, which

���������� is in violation of the Constitution, that legislation is NOT law.

It is VOID from the beginning. It is void

���������� from the beginning because neither the States nor the

people have given the federal legislature power to

���������� enact legislation, which is not in accordance with, and in

pursuance of the Constitution and this means

���������� ALL of the Constitution including the Amendments. The

Constitution itself prescribes the means or

���������� method by which it can be amended. It is a contract between

the States and it cannot be amended by the

���������� Courts nor by the federal legislature or by the federal

government. It must be amended only by the

���������� agreement of the States.

���������� We can see clearly that the States created the federal

government. The federal government has no

���������� voters. Only the States have voters. The States and ONLY

the States have the right of qualifying their

���������� voters. Each State, by its own method, determines what a

citizen of that State must do to qualify as a

������� ���voter of that State. The federal government has no control

over this whatso_ever, not even by legislation,

���������� because legislation may not amend the Constitu_tion. The

present enactments of legislation by the

���������� federal Congress along these lines under the fifth section of

the Fourteenth Amendment is question_able

���������� because the States never legally ratified the Fourteenth

Amendment. The same principle applies to

���������� recent activities of the federal Courts. The States created the

federal Judiciary and that Judiciary has no

���������� power to make laws. Rulings of Courts only constitute the

law for the specific case upon which the Court

���������� has ruled. They do not constitute the law for the land or for

anything other than the specific case at law

���������� upon which the Court ruled

���������� It should be emphasized here that all officials of government,

whether it be Federal, State or Municipal,

���������� must take an oath to uphold, defend, and protect the

Constitution of the United States against all enemies

���������� whomsoever, both foreign or domestic. They must take this

oath freely, without mental reservation.

���������� When their activities violate the Constitution, it is a violation

of their Oath of Office and such violation is a

���������� felony a crime, under the laws of this nation. The laws of this

nation also require a citizen to uphold,

���������� defend and protect the Constitution and our Republican form

of government WITHOUT MENTAL

���������� RESERVATION. This is a lawful requirement for citizenship.

Therefore, any citizen who takes another

���������� oath, even though it might be on what he calls a religious

�day of atonement�, which provides for a mental

���������� reservation on any other oath he takes, that citizen is subject

to loss of citizenship. There are certain

���������� so‑called �international� organizations in which U.S. citizens

take part. These organizations call meetings

���������� in foreign lands and members vote on matters of political,

economic, and governmental problems.

���������� Citizens of the United States who attend such meetings and

vote in these organizations are subject to loss

���������� of their United States citizenship and deportation in

accordance with provisions of the United States

���������� Code. There are also meetings in the United States where

bonds are sold for the support of a foreign

���������� State. This also is in violation of the United States Code and

is a felony, particularly if any of the funds are

���������� used to support the military forces of the foreign State in any

way. Yet, we see Senators, Congressmen

���������� and many civic officials of our Federal, State and local

governments participating in the crime.

���������� In these latter days when Satan and his children have

invaded the land of Israel again and have brought

���������� Satan�s form of government with them, we must turn to our

Heavenly Father and pray for His protection.

���������� But we must do more than pray. We must oppose Satan and

his evil ways with every power that God

���������� has given His children. The philosophy of Communism,

which is Satan�s form of government, is being

���������� imposed upon God�s Israel in their land. Communism

worships Satan but recognizes no Supreme Being.

���������� It is atheistic and believes that the created are above the

Creator. Those who believe that the federal

���������� government is above the States, which created it, have

accepted Satan�s communistic philosophy that the

���������� created is above the Creator. The battle of Armageddon will

be won with knowledge, as Jesus said, �Ye

���������� shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.�


������������������������� Chapter VII

������������������ The Daylight Hours

���������� The children of Adam�s family became known by many

names other than their former name Israel. They

���������� also remained blind as to who they are, in accordance with

God�s prophecy. They settled the wilderness

���������� known as Western Europe and occupied lands that the

Creator had given to them where they were to

���������� become many nations.

���������� The Isles were owned by the Royal family of the tribe of

Judah. The tin mines of the Isles were owned by

���������� Joseph of Arimathea who traveled between the Isles and

Judea during the days that Yahweh was on

���������� Earth. Yahweh also traveled to the Ides and there directed

certain disciples in the building of places of

���������� worship for His people. Many of the people in the Isles had

been there from the days of Enoch. The

���������� University and Priesthood of Enoch�s day was used for these

purposes by Yahweh. It was then known

���������� as the University of the Druids. Another of their Universities

was in a land, which was later known as

���������� Spain and where Pontius Pilate had been educated.

���������� The Kings of the Island nation were always to be of the

House of Judah, (not to be confused with the

�� ��������Yehudi). This was a promise made by the Creator at the time

He let His children have men kings over

���������� them. At that time, He said, �all of the King line of the nations

I give thee shall be of the House of Judah�.

���������� King Edward 1, a King of the Island people, was aware of his

responsibilities in keeping the

���������� commandment of his ancient fathers, from Adam to his day.

He knew that some of the Yehudi who were

���������� Cain�s children had come to the Isles. They were causing

trouble in his land with Adam�s children. In the

���������� year 1275, King Edward I issued a law that prohibited the

Yehudi from continuing their money lending

���������� operations in his Realm. He further required them to live

separately from Christians and identify

���������� themselves by wearing a yellow badge from the time they

reached the age of twelve years. These

��������� restrictions existed for fifteen years until the activities of the

Yehudi became so revolutionary and

���������� troublesome that the King banished them from the Ides

completely. The Yehudi posed a difficult problem

���������� because they had stolen the ancient names of the Israel

people when they invaded Jerusalem many

���������� centuries before. While the name of the Judes and Jutes of

Scotland had derived from the tribal name of

���������� Judah and the later used name �German� also derives from

the tribal name �judah�, many were and still

���������� are confused by the Yehudi because of their stolen names.

Kings of other nations of Adam�s family

���������� formerly known as Israel who were on the mainland of

Europe, followed the King of the Island nation in

���������� banishing the Yehudi from their nations. They knew the

commandment given by the Creator of the

���������� Universe, which had been passed on by Adam and the

Patriarchs that they were not to allow Cain�s

���������� children to live in their lands with them. They knew that their

actions were in accordance with divine law

���������� and necessary to the safety, well‑being and survival of their


���������� As the Yehudi were banished from one Christian nation after

another, they appealed to their leaders in

��������� Constantinople. Their leaders advised them to adopt their

age‑old tactics which had been taught them

���������� from the days when their father Satan had directed them

against Adam and his family. They were told to

���������� pretend that they were Christians, make their sons Christian

Priests, physicians and attorneys at law.

���������� They were told to infiltrate and enter all of the professions of

Adam�s family. After they had infiltrated

���������� these positions they were to divide and destroy from within.

These had been the tactics employed at

���������� Jerusalem centuries before when they had invaded the land

of Adam�s children there. In each nation that

���������� they invaded, they were eventually discovered by their

activities. Jesus warned His children about the

���������� Yehudi when He said, �By their works ye shall know them�.

He called them liars and hypocrites, telling

���������� that they would speak good deeds but do evil deeds.

Wherever they congregated they attempted

���������� destruction of the good things and the Blessings given to

Adam�s family. Their activities always aimed at

���������� bringing Satan�s form of government to the nation, which

allowed them within its borders. It was for good

���������� reason that their banishment from the Island Nation was

followed by banishment from other Christian

���������� nations of the Adamic people.

���������� The leaders of the Yehudi eventually gained control of the

money and wealth of most nations they had

���������� invaded. This was simple because of their nefarious

scheming and behind‑the‑scene political activities.

������ ����One with no morals and no conscience to bar evil deeds

could deal easily with Adam�s children who

���������� believed everyone to be honest and forthright as these

characteristics were inborn in them. But this is

���������� where they erred in dealing with Satan�s children. The

leaders of Satan�s children had gathered in

���������� principally two areas known as Holland and Switzerland and

they operated from these areas in their

���������� usury and financial manipulations. It was by financial power

that the leaders of Yehudi gained re‑entry

���������� into the Island nation. They also employed infiltration tactics

and the divide and conquer method amongst

���������� different sects of the Faith common to Adam�s family. With a

similar infiltration the Yehudi regained entry

���������� into other European nations and they always cooperated with

each other on an international basis. It was

���������� in this manner that they infiltrated Russia and then became

the spies and agents for the hordes of Ghengis

� ���������Khan the Mongol. They were the advance guard for the

Mongol invasion of the lands occupied by the

���������� Celestial family of Adam and Eve. The Yehudi had preceded

the Mongol hordes and had become the

���������� merchants, the pawnbrokers and the money changers as

well as the disrupting revolutionary leaders who

���������� created confusion in the internal areas. They were

destroyers from within.

���������� Time passed and the Island nation fell to the complete

control of the children of Cain. The banking and

���������� money system was taken over completely by the Yehudi and

it was under these conditions that the

���������� darkness of evening came over Adam�s family. We approach

the dark evening hours for the nations of

���������� Adam�s household under such conditions with Cain�s

children having invaded the nations and having

���������� obtained control of the banking and money systems. Yet, we

know that our Heavenly Father made a

���������� promise that the daylight would follow the darkness. The

evening is slowly approaching as many children

���������� of Adam leave their original nations and come across the

seas to the New Jerusalem. The new nation of

���������� God�s Kingdom and His people is to be founded during the

evening hours with darkness slowly

��������� approaching. It will flounder in darkness for the period of

time ordained by the Creator of the Universe.

���������� Then there will be the light of dawn and a new day.


�������������������� ��Chapter VIII

�������������� The Hours of Darkness

���������� There was yet some daylight in the long evening when our

forefathers came to their new land. They were

���������� free from the children of Cain at least for a time. During this

period of freedom from Cain�s children, they

���������� originated and developed the foundation for their great

Republic of God�s Kingdom. The nation was

���������� born which was to have no man‑king but would have the

Creator of the Universe, Yahweh as its King. It

���������� brought His people back to the conditions of government

which He had given them upon their exodus

���������� from Egypt but which they had not maintained. They were

again to use His laws for their nation and for

���������� their government. But alas, the evening was to turn into

night. The darkness was coming upon them.

���������� The first great leader of their nation was given a vision of the

darkness. George Washington was given a

���������� vision of the dark clouds of Satan�s children coming over the

land. There was fighting and bloodshed in

���������� all of the towns and cities. The land was to be invaded by

Cain�s children as in days before, but the

���������� children of Adam were to awaken from their sleep. The dark

clouds broke apart and a red light was

���������� shining. Then a great white light shined through from above

the darkness. There was a great cleansing of

���������� the land with all of Cain�s children being driven from the land.

Then came the dawn, clear and crisp, with

���������� only Adam�s children dwelling in peace in their own land.

���������� Yahweh planned that sufficient daylight would remain in the

evening hours for the establishment of His

���������� laws in the new land of His people. But Satan and his children

were not to be denied. They were to

���������� follow and invade the land as they had always done before.

Yahweh had set the time in days and years

���������� for the suffering of Adam�s family because of their violations

of His laws. Many years were yet to be

���������� counted and Adam�s children had more trials and tribulations

to undergo before their final awakening and

���������� complete obedience to His laws for their nation and their

government. These trials and tribulations were

�� ��������to come over their new nation during the hours of darkness.

���������� Leaders of the nation in its infancy had warned the people

about permitting the Yehudi in their land. One

���������� named Benjamin Franklin owned a printing plant, which

distributed leaflets telling the people who the

���������� Yehudi were. His printed tracts advised against ever

permitting the Yehudi to become citizens in the new

���������� nation. Yet the Yehudi came to the new land in greater

numbers. As usual, they remained to themselves

���������� and continually plotted against Adam�s children and their

Yahweh. They became storekeepers, lenders of

���������� money, pawn‑brokers and termites in Government just as

they had always done in the other nations of

���������� Adam�s children. They became destroyers of the Creator�s

righteous form of government. Their leaders

���������� remained in Holland and Switzerland but planned and

directed their activities on an international basis.

���������� They were never loyal to a nation, which took them in. They

sent their hirelings to the new nation and

���������� with their international money power they seduced many of

Adam�s children who were blind as to their

���������� origin. These blind children of Adam worshipped Satan�s

money and were subject to his evil power

���������� �sin�. As such, the Yehudi easily handled them. They could

be used to divide Adam�s children amongst

���������� themselves and they deceived the righteous by �fronting�

for the Yehudi who remained behind the scenes.

���������� Even the �elect� would be deceived by them in the latter

days. There were some blind preachers of

���������� Adam�s children who believed Satan�s lies and who believed

that Yahweh was of the Yehudi. There was

���������� nothing in their. Book to prove this, yet they believed the

Yehudi of whom, they had been warned by

���������� Yahweh Himself. They had forgotten the Word. They knew

not who they were. They could not hear

���������� Saul who told them clearly �If ye be Yahweh�s, then ye be

Abraham�s seed and heirs according to the

���������� promise�., Heirs to the Kingdom yet some would give up

their birthright. They were easy prey for the

���������� Yehudi. At one time the leader of the Yehudi went so far as

to divide the new nation into two large land

���������� areas. He issued written deeds to these two parts of the land,

giving one of his sons a deed to the

���������� Northern half and the second son a deed to the Southern half.

He wrote these deeds in Holland and

���������� arranged to send them to the new land by way of the Island

nation where he had spies and agents. In

���������� order to better divide the people of the two large land areas,

he paid one of his hirelings named Hyman

���������� Solomon to develop a slave trade. Solomon brought the

Enosh from Africa to the Southern part of the

���������� nation. In the meantime a leader of Adam�s family in an older

nation, Czar Nicholas, learned from the

���������� Ides of the attempt by the Yehudi chief to divide the new

nation. He immediately contacted the Yehudi

���������� chief in Holland and ordered him to cease and desist in the

effort. He sent one of his fleets to the coast of

���������� the new nation and another fleet to the coast off Vera Cruz,

threatening to attack if the Yehudi chief

���������� continued his activity of dividing the new nation. The activity

was stopped immediately because the

���������� Yehudi always feared those of Adam�s children who were

aware of their methods. They feared the anger

���������� of Adam�s righteous leaders and they were always afraid of

violence. They constantly cried �brotherly

���������� love� to cover up their deceit and evil. They cried �brotherly

love�, while well knowing that they were not

���������� the brothers of Adam�s children because they knew who

their father was as it was revealed by Yahweh.

���������� They knew that their father was Satan and that Adam�s

children were from a different Father. Brothers

���������� must be from the same father. (See John 8, vs. 39‑47).

���������� The leaders of Cain�s children had often said, �Give me

control of a nation�s money and I care not who

���������� makes its laws�. So, in the early hours of darkness, Satan�s

children used their old tricks to gain control

���������� of the money in the new nation. The open‑minded honest but

blind children of Adam were completely at

���������� their mercy, incapable of stopping it. Adam�s children did not

know who they were so how could they be

���������� expected to know their enemy? In due time a great leader of

Adam�s family became head of the nation.

���������� He knew how to regain control of the Nation�s money from

Yehudi. He also knew that the Enosh must

���������� be returned to Africa or the new nation would be in deep

trouble. The leaders of the Yehudi were forced

���������� into action. They could always upset Adam�s family with their

control of money and their spies and paid

���������� agents who they had placed in high places within the

governments of most nations. It was simple for them

��������� �to develop conditions that would get Adam�s children fighting

amongst themselves. This would always

���������� relieve the mounting pressure against Satan and his children

at a time when Adam�s children began to

���������� awaken and recognize the evils and deceit of the Yehudi.

Jesus knew these tricks because He was

���������� Yahweh, who knew all, from the beginning to the end. He

warned Adam�s children who were brothers

���������� of the flesh. He knew that Satan would cause them to fight

amongst themselves by deceitful means,

���������� causing brother to fight brother. Therefore He said to them

�Love thy brother.� Jesus also knew that

���������� brothers are from the same father and that all of Adam�s

children, being of a Celestial family, were Sons

� ���������of the Father from the beginning. They were not of the

�creations� which had created the Enosh nor were

���������� they of the unholy mixture of Enosh seed from which the

Yehudi had descended. Jesus said to His

���������� brethren, �Ye were mine before the creation of the Earth and

ye are mine in the Earth�. The Adamic race

���������� descends from Adam, they are children of the spirit, born

into the flesh and being �born again� when they

���������� are born into the, flesh body on Earth. In the same manner

Jesus identified the Yehudi as the children of

���������� Satan. He said to them �Ye are not the children of Abraham

(Israel), for if ye were Abraham�s children

���������� ye would do the works of Abraham. I am from my Father and

ye are from your father and your father is

���������� the devil (Satan). He was a Bar and a murderer from the

beginning and your father�s works will ye do�.

���������� But Adam�s children in their blindness did not understand the

warnings of their Heavenly Father who had

���������� come to Earth as He had promised Adam, to save His

children and to set them free from Satan�s power

���������� on Earth. They did not even understand what He meant when

He said, �Ye shall know the truth and the

���������� truth shall make you free�.

���������� The Yehudi leaders arranged for the murder of the great

leader of Adam�s family. They created a war

���������� between Adam�s children, the Northern brethren against the

Southern brethren. It was essential that they

���������� destroy the work which they knew would be accomplished A

by the great leader of the new nation. If

���������� this great leader were permitted to continue in his wisdom,

He would destroy the plans of Satan�s

���������� children and they knew it. He was already in the process of

returning the nation to their Father�s laws of

���������� economics and money. He had already made it clear that the

medium of exchange called money should

���������� be put into circulation interest‑free and without creating a

debt. Satan� system was to give the credit to

���������� the Yehudi and then let them lend it into circulation, creating

a debt and the collection of interest. The

���������� physical wealth of the nation was the collateral for the

issuance of government bonds or simply

���������� government I.O.U.�s, a promise to pay, in the future, with

interest, nothing more. The great leader knew

���������� that if these I.O.U.�s were good enough collateral for the

borrowing of private Yehudi banker�s credit

���������� and then lending their bank money to the people, the same

collateral was good enough to issue or pay the

���������� money into circulation interest‑free in the first place. In fact,

this was the intention of the founding fathers

���������� and provision was made for it in the great Constitution they

had written. The amount of money in

���������� circulation could be controlled by taxation, which is simply a

means of obtaining services from the people

���������� by the government. With such a system, the balance

between physical production and purchasing power

���������� could be maintained in balance and the value of the money

would be stable. The Yehudi could not permit

���������� this even though the Constitution did provide for it. As the

great leader actually began to put his policies

���������� into practice, the Yehudi became desperate. They not only

wished to lend money within the nation, they

���������� wanted to maintain the control of money on an international

basis and lend to nations. In order to do this,

������ ����it was essential that they control the money of this great new

nation and its great wealth. They knew the

��������� capabilities of Adam�s children in bringing wealth out of the

Earth and obtaining the blessings of the Earth

���������� as promised to them by their Heavenly Father. Satan was not

stupid by any means. After Lincoln had

���������� implemented his fiscal policy of issuing money interest‑free

instead of printing I.O.U.'S and borrowing the

���������� Yehudi�s private money, the hired stooges of the Yehudi

attempted to use the Courts to stop him, but in

���������� this they failed. The Courts upheld the lawful method but this

did not stop the Yehudi. They knew that a

���������� fight between brethren could be instigated and they began

their work toward that end immediately. This

���������� would help them lend money to finance the war. They could

then murder the leader and get Adam�s

���������� children back into line because of the debts incurred to fight

the war. It was a time consuming process

���������� but completely planned to the last detail.

���������� The great leader of the nation posed another problem for the

Yehudi. He had made arrangements for the

���������� money necessary to transport all of the Enosh back to Africa.

He had made it clear that the Enosh who

���������� were in the land as slaves and who had been brought to the

new nation in violation of its laws by the

���������� Yehudi and their paid agents, were to be returned to their

native land in Africa. This would upset the

���������� age‑old plan of Satan to destroy Adam�s family by mixing

them with the Enosh and polluting the Holy

���������� seed. This was the work of Satan and his children would

make every effort to do his work along this

���������� line.� It was to the best interests of the Yehudi leaders in

Holland that the Northern part of the new nation

���������� be victorious in the war between the brethren of Adam�s

family. They did all in their power to see that

���������� their well‑laid plans ended successfully along this line. They

had dependable agents in high places of the

���������� nation�s national government. Most of the �front men� were

of the North where Yehudi had been most

���������� active. The brethren of the South were better prepared to

resist Satan�s children because of their way of

���������� life and their knowledge of the Word left to them by their

Heavenly Father. It was apparent to the Yehudi

���������� that the men of the South were not as easily fooled as their

brethren of the North. For this, the South has

���������� never been forgiven by Satan�s children and they vowed to

destroy Adam�s children in the South no

���������� matter how long it takes or by what means they must use.

They will destroy the Union if necessary, as it

���������� means nothing to them anyway. It wasn�t their Union in the

first place. It would be easy for them to send

���������� some of their kind to the South to act as spies and agents for

them there. This they did.

���������� The war was successfully started and brethren were fighting

brethren. While brothers of Adam�s family

���������� destroyed each other, the Yehudi sat back pulling the strings

and lending the money to both sides. With

���������� their control of the press and mass means of

communications, it was easy to convince the people that

���������� slavery was the main issue, when in reality the plan was to

destroy the great leader of the nation, whose

���������� plans could continue unless a war were brought about. The

plans of this leader and their future

���������� possibilities were feared by the Yehudi. The North was to be

victorious with the help of the Yehudi and

���������� their paid agents who feared the sons of Adam in the South.

The men of the South knew their Father�s

���������� Word and were not as easily deceived. The Yehudi leaders

knew that these Southern men would be a

���������� constant source of trouble to their plans unless they were

put in an economic position from which they

���������� could not recover quickly, if ever. If these men were to

become strong in the new nation�s government,

���������� the Yehudi would lose everything they had worked for since

Satan began his program of destruction for

���������� Adam�s family. They would be banished from the land of

Adam�s children for good. The sons of Satan

���������� recognized the sons of God and feared them, but the sons of

God did not recognize the sons of Satan

���������� who were doing all in their power to destroy their good

works. The sons of Satan knew that they must

���������� bring about a mongrelization with the Enosh to effectively

destroy the sons of God. Their land must be

���������� taken from them and their women folk subjected to the

heathen. The war was more for this purpose than

���������� anything else although many other useful purposes of the

Yehudi were served at the same time.

���������� After the war the Yehudi sent their paid agents and spies into

the South. These scalawags and

��������� carpetbaggers received their instructions from the agents of

the Yehudi who were in high places within the

���������� national government. A Yehudi stooge was used to employ

the national armed forces in the plan for the

���������� destruction of the South. These were the conditions

throughout the South when Yahweh, the Heavenly

���� ������Father of Adam�s children, brought His divine power into

play. He raised men to bring His children out

���������� of their troubles. In a little town of Pulaski, Tennessee, some

of the leaders of Adam�s children organized

���������� themselves for their recovery and the protection of their

people. They met secretly and studied the Word

���������� of their Heavenly Father. Eventually they adopted a garment

with the Cross of Christ on their breast. One

���������� also for their horses where the Cross of Christ was

emblazoned on the left flank. Their membership grew

���������� quickly as their mission was to bring righteous government

to the people.

���������� Each one took an oath to uphold, defend and protect the

Constitution of the United States of America

���������� and to uphold the Constitutional Republic which was

established by their forefathers. They knew the law

���������� and declared that any legislation adopted by any legislative

branch of the Federal government must be in

���������� accord with and in pursuance of the Constitution. They

declared our Republican form of government a

���������� government of Law, not one of men and men�s opinions. Any

legislative act of the Federal government

���������� that was not in accord with the Constitution would not be

recognized by them as �law�. It would merely

���������� be legislation and unenforceable because it must be in

accord with the Constitution to become �law�. The

���������� legislators enacting such legislation outside the confines of

the Constitution would be subject to arrest and

���������� removal from office for usurping powers not granted to them

by the States or the people and for violation

���������� of their oath of office, which required them to uphold, defend

and protect the constitution. Any act

���������� otherwise would be malfeasance and misfeasance in office

and a criminal offense according to the

���������� statutes of the United States, which were enacted, from the

Articles of Confederation and the Ordnance

���������� of the Territories. These had been adopted to be in effect

�Forever� and this organic law had been

���������� enacted into statutes known as the �United States Code�.

���������� After a time, the Enosh became afraid of the robed sons of

Adam�s family. The Enosh were a very

��������� superstitious people and they were extremely ignorant. They

believed that the robed Knights were ghosts

���������� of Confederate soldiers. It was this fear in many instances

that kept the Enosh from committing crime and

���������� wrong doing. These people were so simple and ignorant that

they knew not right from wrong. But they

���������� understood the punishment for wrong.

���������� The Yehudi soon discovered that their old trick of infiltration

and destruction from within was not

���������� effective with the organization formed by Adam�s children in

the South. There were no traitors amongst

���������� the Knights and they carefully selected their members. But

the Yehudi are children of Satan and possess

���������� all of his cunning and deceit. They decided to divide and

conquer. They hired a group of paid agents who

���������� acquired some robes similar to those that had been worn by

the Knights of the Invisible Empire. The

���������� groups of Yehudi agents were not recognizable because they

wore masks. They wore the robes and

���������� went on raids, doing all manner of evil. They murdered the

Enosh and attacked meetings of Adam�s

���������� children who were of the Catholic Faith. These evil activities

were planned for the purpose of destroying

���������� the effectiveness and reputation of the Knights of the

Invisible Empire. If the Yehudi could destroy the

���������� reputation amongst the people, they could make it very

difficult for the organization to function efficiently.

���������� This was an old trick of Satan�s and the Yehudi are experts in

using Satan�s tricks. If they cannot destroy

���������� Adam�s family one way, they will use another. In many

instances they will destroy their own possessions

���������� and make a hue and cry, blaming Adam�s children In this

manner, they keep their lesser brethren in

���������� constant fear and make them contribute more money for the

evil works of the Yehudi leaders. They

���������� maintain large amounts of money in this manner, which

supports their long range effort to bring Satan�s

���������� government to the land. They must keep Adam�s children on

the defensive, and their brethren who are

���������� the children of Satan are kept in the dark. Yet, they do the

works of their father the devil. Those of

���������� Adam�s family who assist them in their blindness are also

doing Satan�s work, but they are unaware of

���������� the fact. It is too bad that so many of Adam�s children remain

blind. When they receive the �light� of

���������� Yahweh, they become wise and no longer do they assist

Satan�s children in their destruction of Adam�s

���������� family.


������������������������ Chapter IX

������������������ The Midnight Hour

���������� The nation of God�s Kingdom grew wealthier and wealthier

as the years of darkness continued. These

���������� were the blessings that had been promised by their

Heavenly Father. It was the promised protection from

���������� Satan�s works. During the darkness the Yehudi had grown

more powerful as each year passed. More

���������� and more of them had immigrated to the new nation from

Eastern Europe, yet they remained to

���������� themselves and did not become a part of the way of life in

the new nation. They contributed very little,

���������� but took much. The nation was wealthy in spite of all that the

Yehudi and their international leaders could

���������� do. It was during the year 1913 that the Yehudi leaders

decided to make their big move toward final

���������� destruction of the new nation. The Yehudi leader in Holland

had sent his personal representative to the

���������� new nation in 1902. This representative received a very large

salary and used unlimited funds to

������ ����accomplish his objectives. He could buy and sell men. With

his unlimited finances he became a big name

���������� in the new nation and amongst its political and financial

leaders. He bought and sold �politicians� of

���������� Adam�s family. His mission was to establish a more tight

control on the money of the new nation and

���������� upon its government. He actually wrote a new banking law

for the nation and with his finances, prepared

���������� the way for its adoption by the Congress in 1913. Most of the

good Congressmen were home for

���������� Christmas vacation when he sneaked the legislation into

effect by his paid agents who had remained in the

���������� capitol to do his work. He took his agents in Congress to an

island off the coast of Georgia and made the

��������� arrangements for adoption of the new banking laws, which

would permit the Yehudi to have perpetual

���������� control of the new nation�s money and credit. It would keep

the nation in debt to the Yehudi as long as

���������� the Yehudi controlled the system. Passage of the legislation

was in violation of the Constitution, but this

���������� did not matter to the Yehudi. The Constitution to them was

simply a piece of paper. Just another contract

���������� that could be broken at will.

���������� During this same year of 1913, the Yehudi organized a

national organization to fit into their international

���������� scheme and to assist with internal destruction of the new

nation. Its purpose was to maintain pressure on

���������� Adam�s children and to keep the lesser brethren of the

Yehudi in line with the overall objectives of

���������� Satan�s children. The excuse for its organization was

deceitfully expressed as �brotherhood�. This had

���������� always been the cry of Satan�s children but it was used to

deceive the family of Adam. It appealed to

���������� their righteousness but they were blind and didn�t know the

difference between themselves and Satan�s

���������� children. The new Yehudi organization was instructed to use

publicity, pressure, deceit, lies and all means

���������� of propaganda so that Adam�s children would not know the

truth. They spoke and wrote of

��������� �brotherhood�, but of course their organization persecuted

Adam�s children and never intended for

���������� so‑called �brotherhood� to exist in the way that they spoke

of it. Jesus had made this clear to Adam�s

���������� children but they refused to believe Him. Jesus had told His

children that the Yehudi were hypocrites,

���������� speaking righteousness but not doing it. He had said that

they were liars and told His children not to

���������� believe them.

���������� Another objective of the Yehudi, which was accomplished in

that fateful year of 1913, was the successful

���������� enactment of a �graduated� income tax on the children of

Adam and their nation. The Yehudi and their

���������� agents had obtained passage of Federal Legislation on this

graduated income tax many years before, but

���������� the Courts had declared it to be in violation of the

Constitution. So, in 1913, with their control of the

���������� Federal legislature, the Yehudi arranged an amendment to

the Constitution, which was given sufficient

���������� financial and political backing for its passage. This was their

way of implementing their long range plans to

���������� bring Satan�s form of government to the new nation. The

Yehudi knew that if they could obtain passage

���������� of this amendment, Adam�s children could eventually be

brought to their knees. The central government

���������� could be gradually made all‑powerful and could apply

economic pressures on each individual citizen. It

���������� would bring all governmental power into one place where the

Yehudi would have an easier time

��������� establishing their control. In spite of all these activities, the

Yehudi were not satisfied. Their objective was

���������� a One World Government with all of Adam�s children and the

nations of Adam�s household as their

���������� slaves. When this condition could be brought about by

economic and political controls, the children of

���������� Satan could completely destroy the Creator�s family on Earth

and keep the Kingdom for their father

���������� Satan. In order to accomplish their long‑range objectives, it

was necessary to keep Adam�s children

���������� fighting amongst themselves. This could attain several

objectives at one time for the children of Satan. It

���������� could provide for Adam�s children to destroy each other

while the Yehudi sat back and manipulated the

���������� financial requirements. This would create greater financial

burdens upon Adam�s children and maintain

���������� the debt, while at the same time keeping the pressure off

Satan and his children�s evil works. It could aid

���������� the Yehudi in their financial control and lead to

accomplishment of further destruction of Adam�s family in

���������� due time.

���������� The time was just before the midnight hour when the Yehudi

decided to establish full control over a

���������� strategic land area of Europe, which had evaded them for

many years. They planned a step‑by‑step

���������� destruction for Adam�s people in all of their nations. The

wealthy Yehudi and their agents in the new

���������� nation of God�s Kingdom were used to finance the defeat of

the strategic nation in Europe which was

���������� essential to completion of the overall victory for Satan�s

children. The nations of Adam�s children had

���������� been played one against the other in a great war during the

1900�s. This was accomplished by the

���������� Yehudi in order to place many nations of Adam�s children

under their financial control and in debt to

���������� finance the conflict. It also put brother to righting brother

amongst Adam�s family. Near the end of the

���������� conflict, the Yehudi in the new nation were in complete

control of the government. They financed their

���������� agents and spies, sending a revolutionary leader to the

European nation from the new nation of God�s

���������� Kingdom. They also sent great amounts of financial support

with him. His objective was to start a

���������� revolution and murder the Christian leader of the nation and

all of his family, taking the government for the

���������� Yehudi. The military intelligence officers of the nation of

God�s Kingdom who were the children of

���������� Adam�s family were active in the European nation which the

Yehudi were taking by revolution. One

���������� named Captain Montgomery Schuyler reported to the Chief

of Staff of his expeditionary forces in Siberia

���������� in a secret military intelligence report. Amongst many details

in his report he advised that all of the military

���������� officers of Adam�s family had been murdered by the

Bolsheviks. In the Black Sea Massacre it is stated

�������� ��that not less than eight thousand officers were murdered at

Kronstadt, in the Gulf of Finland, between six

���������� and seven thousand were drowned at one time. He also

reported that up to the end of 1918 things had

���������� been growing steadily worse in Russia ever since the first

few months of the First Provisional

���������� Government, when for a short time it looked as if the new

regime would be able to bring some form of

���������� modern government into the country. These hopes were

frustrated by the gradual gains in power of the

���������� more irresponsible and socialistic elements of the population

guided by the Jews and other anti‑Russian

���������� races. A table made in April 1918 by Robert Wilton, the

correspondent of the London Times in Russia,

���������� shows that at that time there were 384 �commissars�

including 2 negroes, 13 Russians, 15 264 had come

���������� to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the

Imperial Government. In another report to

���������� Colonel Barrows, Captain Schuyler reported amongst other

details as follows: �It is probably unwise to

���������� say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik

movement is and has been since its beginning guided

���������� and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type, who

have been in the United States and there

���������� absorbed every one of the worst phases of our civilization

without having the least understanding of what

���������� we really mean by liberty (I do not mean the use of the word

liberty which has been so widespread in the

���������� United States since the war began, but the real word spelt

the same way), and the real Russian realizes

���������� this and suspects that Americans think as do the loathsome

specimens with whom he now comes in

���������� contact. I have heard all sorts of estimates as to the real

proportion of Bolsheviks to that of the

���������� population of Siberia and I think the most accurate is that of

General Ivanov‑Rinov who estimates it as

���������� two percent. There is hardly a peasant this side of the Urals

who has the slightest interest in the Bolshevik

���������� or his doings except in so far as it concerns the low of his

own property and in fact, his point of view is

���������� very much like that of our own respectable farmers, when

confronted with the IWW ideal. The conquest

���������� of the great landmass of Russia was essential to the long

range of the Yehudi if they were to establish

���������� World Government under their control. From this base they

could move East through Asia, West through

���������� Europe to the Atlantic. It would provide a great encirclement

of the one nation of Adam�s family that

���������� must be finally taken to complete the project. There had

always been an area of difficulty for the Yehudi

���������� in Western Europe. This was due to a very strong nation of

Adam�s children, which had been a target of

���������� the Yehudi for many years. They had patiently and

deceitfully arranged for the defeat of this nation at the

���� ������hands of other nations of Adam�s children who could be

deceived by the internal agents of the Yehudi in

���������� their lands. The international financial and political controls,

which the Yehudi had built up over many

���������� years, were employed for this objective. The children of

Satan successfully turned brother against brother

���������� to defeat this great Western European nation of God�s people

whom they feared. After its defeat they

���������� arranged for an economic boycott and destruction of its

money. They also made arrangements for

���������� dividing the nation in pieces to maintain future division of its

people and their Adamic brethren round

���������� about. After this feared nation was defeated, the Yehudi

made their move upon the landmass of Russia.

���������� Their revolutionary agents were employed successfully. The

government they formed was the same type

���������� as that which they had established in the old Jerusalem

when they had invaded the land of Israel before

������� ���the days of Jesus. It was the same form of government that

Satan and his children had always used. It

���������� was always a government that would not recognize Yahweh,

the Creator of the Universe who had come

���������� to Earth to save His Celestial family that descended from

Adam. It would recognize no God but Satan. It

���������� was always under the control of those whom Jesus had

identified as the children of Satan. Its objective

���������� has always been to destroy the Creator�s family on Earth and

the nations, which were promised to their

���������� father, thus thinking that they might keep the Kingdom for

their father Satan. It is a government of deceit

���������� and dishonesty from its inception. How could it be otherwise

when it is a government of Satan�s children?

���������� As the years passed on after the great war between the

brother nations, the people of that feared

���������� Western European nation became strong again. The

Heavenly Father was not to be denied, nor are His

��������� �children. They had the spiritual vision and the knowledge

given to His family since its arrival on Earth.

���������� This, Satan�s children could not control or withhold. As the

defeated nation became stronger, the Yehudi

���������� who had established their government in Russia used every

effort to keep the people divided and weak.

���������� This nation of people must be destroyed completely or the

Yehudi could never conquer all of Western

���������� Europe for their final attack against the great nation of God�s

Kingdom across the seas. Satan�s children

���������� planned to launch their attack from many directions at once.

From the East across the Atlantic, from the

���������� Asiatic side coming across the Bering Straits and down the

West Coast of the new nation, from an island

���������� bastion just South of the nation at its strategic �under_belly�,

from Mexico and from within the nation

���������� itself. The Yehudi chiefs laid plans to stir up the Enosh in the

nation, promising them the lands, property

���������� and women of the men of the South who they feared and

hated from the days of an earlier war. Although

���������� the children of Satan had made great head‑ way, much work

and more time was required to fulfill their

���������� long range plans. They must break down the resistance of

Adam�s children as they had done in Russia.

���������� They must be wary and not make their final move until

Adam�s nations were weak and divided amongst

���������� themselves. The Yehudi spies and agents must be in

positions of power within all governments of the

���������� nations of Adam�s children and a super government must be

established under Yehudi control. Adam�s

���������� children must be deceitfully subjected to this super

government where they could be out voted and

���������� controlled by the Enosh people who would participate in the

super government. And a great new war

���������� must be brought into play where the nations of Adam�s

children can be brought into conflict amongst

���������� themselves to weaken and destroy them for the final take

over. The new war will give the Yehudi greater

���������� financial control because of the debt and economic chaos

such conflict would bring to the nations of

���������� Adam�s family. The major purpose of this interim conflict

should be to completely destroy that nation of

���������� God�s people in Western Europe who had always remained

strong militarily and who had remained as a

���������� thorn in the side of Satan�s children. Its strength would

prevent the strategic control of the land area

���������� adjacent to the ocean gateway of the Atlantic. No attack could

be made on the great new nation of

���������� Adam�s family across the seas as long as this brother nation

remained free and strong. This nation and its

���������� people must be destroyed and the Yehudi would destroy it

by their age old method of deceit with no

���������� danger of Adam�s children becoming aware of who is behind

the scenes. These intermediate objectives

���������� took long and effective planning with the placing of

�stooges�, spies and paid agents in proper places

���������� within the governments. These were to bring about events

which would lead to the war. It was the

���������� �Midnight Hour� of which the Prophets had spoken and

written. Satan knew that his time was limited and

���������� that he must do his work before the dawn of daylight when

the Creator�s children would awaken and

���������� destroy him and his children as they had been told to do by

their Heavenly Father. Satan had to work

���������� fast in terms of �time�, which is the measurement of motion.

The nation which he must destroy in Western

���������� Europe was awakening to the deceitful work of his children

within its borders. They were doing the same

������ ����works as those which had caused them to be banished from

other nations of Adam�s family in the past.

���������� Yet, this time, they were being directed more closely and

were laying the foundations for the destruction

���������� of that nation. They worked closely with the children of Satan

who controlled the Satanic government to

���������� the East and once again Satan�s children, the Yehudi were

the advance guard for the invasion of Western

���������� Europe as they had been in the days of the Mongol hordes of

Ghengis Khan. This time they were trickier.

���������� They had timed their plans well. Why should they fight these

good fighters of Adam�s family who were

���������� God�s battle‑axe? Why not arrange for the stupid Goyim�s

brothers to do the job? With their financial

���������� and political control well established in the nations of Adam�s

family, it would be an easy matter to turn

���������� brother against brother once more. Satan�s children had

always succeeded in this objective in the past,

���������� so why not again? So they did. They used every means

available, the press, the radio and motion pictures

���������� to distribute propaganda against the nation in Western

Europe, which they feared. They sent spies and

���������� agents to the great nation across the seas, which they

planned to control for the success of their future

���������� World Government. They planned once more to use the great

nation of God�s Kingdom and its

���������� tremendous wealth to destroy an intermediate barrier to their

future final objective. Before the final blow

���������� could be arranged it was necessary that the Yehudi establish

a strong position within the government of

���������� the new nation across the seas. The children of Adam who

were virtual slaves in that land were opposing

���������� Satan�s form of government in the landmass of Russia. The

Yehudi leaders ordered the mass murder of

���������� over seventy million of Adam�s children in the Ukraine. While

performing these atrocities, they always

���������� murdered a few of their own lesser brethren in order to

confuse the issue and hide their deceit. They

���������� were in a position to make big news about the few lesser

Yehudi they had disposed of and this made it

���������� difficult to fix responsibility for the crimes. The Yehudi

criminals have a slang expression for this

���������� procedure. They call it a �cleanup� or a �whitewash�. They

arrange for one of their criminal element to be

���������� attacked, but seldom seriously injured. Of course it would

then be silly to think that the Yehudi

���������� themselves were involved. In serious projects of great

importance, they think nothing of eliminating some

���������� lesser Yehudi to provide the confusion as to the guilty party.

It is a typical trick of Satan�s children. It was

���������� employed effectively in the destruction of Adam�s children in

the land of Russia. It is always used to

���������� deceive law enforcement officials and relieve pressure from

Yehudi leaders.

���������� The atrocities were not completely hidden in Russia and the

slave state did not produce what had been

���������� expected. The reputation of the government was falling and

losing the standing amongst other nations that

���������� the Yehudi had planned. Because of these failures, it became

necessary for Satan�s children to use the

���������� reputation and support of the great new nation across the


���������� Their agents had infiltrated into the new nation�s government

and were immediately put to work. The

���������� moneyed Yehudi in the new nation were told what to do and

what to support financially. It was an easy

���������� task for them because they had become advisors to the

highest government officials in the land. They

���������� employed every means at their disposal to lay the

groundwork for their top agent to reach the new

���������� nation�s leader. This leader was easily duped because he had

received the financial and political support

���������� of the Yehudi leaders in his nation for many years. He was

beholden to them both financially and

��������� politically. The meeting with the Yehudi ambassador was

held secretly. The next day, the leader of the

���������� new nation announced that the government of Satan�s

children was to be officially recognized by the

���������� government of Adam�s children. He made certain

agreements, receiving promises that Satan�s form of

���������� government would not be brought to the young nation�s land,

but he was just as sound asleep as all of

���������� Adam�s families were to the deceitful ways of Satan and his

children. They promised anything and

���������� everything, with no intention of keeping any of their

promises. The end justified the means. So, in this

���������� manner, Yehudi spies and agents were able to effectively

infiltrate the new land. They came as trade

���������� specialists and as diplomats. They used the prestige and

power of God�s children and His nation to

���������� further deceive other nations of God�s children. These good

nations wondered if their brethren of the

���������� young nation knew what they were doing. The Yehudi knew

that if the government of Satan�s children

���������� could obtain recognition, then the people of Adam�s family

who were in slave camps might give up hope

���������� for freedom or assistance from their brothers in the flesh,

and be less troublesome to the Yehudi. It was

���������� necessary to break the resistance to Satan in the nations of

Adam�s family who lived closer to the land

���������� where Satan�s government held sway. This was convenient

to the long range plan of the Yehudi leaders

���������� and it was a necessary part of their plan. Satan�s children

always kept a bag of tricks at hand and one of

���������� the tricks is to pose as very devout persons, while secretly

planning to destroy the children of God�s

���������� Kingdom and their works on Earth.

���������� The long‑range plans of the Yehudi were always laid with

phases and objectives. If delays occurred, it

���������� was only the timing, which was affected. If minor defeats or

obstacles came unexpectedly, the Yehudi

���������� were always in a position to withdraw for a time and then

arrange their recovery to advance from the

���������� position they had reached up to that point in time. It was with

this method that they laid plans for the

���������� destruction and capture of the nation of Yahweh�s Kingdom

and the children of Adam. The economic

���������� plans provided for complete control of the nation�s money as

well as the money of other nations of

���������� Adam�s children. One nation could be played against another.

In this way, the power of money and gold,

���������� which had been in their hands for many centuries, could be

used to arrange situations and conditions

���������� where Adam�s children could destroy one another in planned

conflicts. Even though a few lesser Yehudi

���������� were to be lost in these conflicts, it made no difference to the

Yehudi leaders so long as their overall

���������� objectives were reached. For this reason it was essential that

the money of the wealthy new nation be

���������� controlled. The leader of the new nation was used to

accomplish this result. Chief agents of the Yehudi

���������� advised him and in this manner they could deceive him as

well as the nations of the entire world. They

���������� had no fear of the majority of Adam�s children because the

majority could always be led by agents

���������� provocateur and scalawags in the employ of the Yehudi. The

majority had always been wrong because

���������� of their blindness that the Heavenly Father had placed upon

them many hundreds of years prior to the

���������� time He came to Earth to save them. He had set the time in

the latter days when He would take the

���������� blindness off His people and that time has not arrived as yet.

Satan and his children have been very much

���������� aware of the blindness upon the part of Adam�s children and

take advantage of it constantly.

���������� During the hours of darkness the leader of the new nation

had been induced by the Yehudi to stop the

���������� production of gold in his nation. He induced Congress to pass

unlawful legislation, which would prohibit

���������� his people from owning the precious metals that had been

used as a basis for their medium of exchange

���������� under Satan�s money system for many years. This, along

with the banking system that the Yehudi

���������� controlled, permitted completion of arrangements for a large

war between the nations of Adam�s children

���������� and the destruction of the one nation in the old land that

would otherwise stop Satan�s children from their

���������� objectives. It was a nation of Adam�s children in close

proximity to the nation that the Yehudi had

���������� invaded and stolen. It was a nation of strong people,

dedicated to their Heavenly Father and the

���������� teachings of Yahweh. According to the Yehudi plans, these

people must be destroyed. They were the

���������� only children of Adam capable of upsetting plans of the

Yehudi to place Satan�s government in control of

���������� the entire world. The new nation across the seas could not

be taken unless the spies and agents of the

���������� Yehudi could penetrate and invade the land. This they did

during the days of the great conflict.

���������� Many children of Adam�s family in that older nation which

had engendered the hate of Satan�s children

���������� were killed by the air bombardments from their brethren

across the seas. The bodies of these dead were

���������� disposed of by burning in large ovens and by mass burial.

Here again was an opportunity for the Yehudi

���������� to use Satan�s trick of the �big lie�. The Yehudi claimed

publicly that the burned bodies were those of the

���������� Yehudi. This was a �big lie� as the Yehudi criminals had

stolen into the new nation across the seas on

���������� troop ships that had brought its soldiers to the old land. The

invading Yehudi called themselves refugees

���������� and came to the new nation unlawfully. They called

themselves by other nationalities, which were of

���������� Adam�s family when in reality they were the children of

Satan. They came in great numbers and were

���������� assisted by the Yehudi who were already living in the new

nation. They were the advance guard of

���������� Satan�s government who came to prepare the way and to

take over the new nation just as they had been

���������� the advance guard and the agents who prepared the way for

the invasion of another land by the hordes of

���������� Ghengis Khan, the Mongol who was their brother of the flesh.

Their agents in high places within the

���������� government of the new nation had laid plans for the financial

condition of the invading Yehudi. They were

���������� to be provided with unlimited funds. One of their agents had

wormed his way into the Treasury

���������� Department. This agent, along with one of Adam�s children

who had been in the employ of the Yehudi,

���������� sent the plates of the nation�s money to their comrades in

the old land during the conflict. The money was

���������� printed by Satan�s government and was placed in the hands

of the Yehudi who were to invade the new

���������� nation as refugees. In this manner they were wealthy upon

their arrival and could buy all that they might

��� �������need, including land, apartment houses, motels, businesses

of all kinds and even social position.

���������� After the great conflict had accomplished results desired for

the long‑range plans of the Yehudi, the next

���������� step was to destroy the internal government of the invaded

land. The Constitution was to be scrapped.

���������� Education was to be changed. The Enosh in the new nation

were to be employed against Adam�s

���������� children and the Yehudi revenge against the men of the

South would be completed.

���������� With approximately six million agents who had invaded the

land during the great conflict, pressure was

���������� applied to remove certain information from the next census

that would be taken. The data was removed

�������� ��because if it were included in the census it would reveal that

the six million Yehudi who were claimed to

���������� have been murdered in the old land were now in the new

nation. Their presence was not in accord with

���������� the immigration laws of the nation and they would be subject

to deportation if discovered. Their �big lie�

���������� would then be exposed because many children of Adam�s

family were awakening. They were becoming

���������� aware of the deceit and evil of the Yehudi in their land. They

were becoming more and more suspicious

���������� as the Yehudi revealed himself as a supporter of Satan�s

form of government. The Yehudi leaders feared

���������� prosecution and banishment from the land as had occurred in

the past in other nations of Adam�s family.

���������� They used every means to prevent their exposure. The

press and newspapers, the radio, the television

���������� and all means of mass communication, which they

controlled. In spite of this, Adam�s children were to

���������� remember the Word of Yahweh who said, �By their works ye

shall know them.�

���������� The Yehudi leaders had promised the Enosh all of that land

known as the Southern States of the new

���������� nation. They promised to give them control of the

government and the rule over Adam�s children in that

���������� land. Every effort was made to advance the Enosh to high

positions in the land. They were to be helped

���������� by the Yehudi in the entertainment business and be pushed

ahead in every phase of the business world

���������� that was under Yehudi control. They were to be organized by

the Yehudi and be agitated against Adam�s

���������� children to cause trouble and disorder throughout the land.

The Enosh were to be employed as the

���������� frontline troops against Adam�s children while the Yehudi sat

back in the tall grass out of danger. The

���������� disorders were planned to assist in the emergency type

government which would be necessary to the

���������� complete take over of the land mass of Russia. It was to be

co_ordinated with their take over of the high

���������� places in the government. Their control was so extensive

that they could play both ends against the

���������� middle and have their man in any high political office they

desired. It has always been the plan of Satan

���������� and his children to concentrate governmental power at one

source. With this accomplished, it has been

���������� easier to steal the central thus they had to destroy the State

governments and pull all power into one

���������� location. Their long range plans had been laid well. Many

years had been employed to bring about a

���������� gradual centralization of governmental power. There was one

weakness in the plans which worried

���������� Satan�s children. This was the resistance of strong men of

Adam�s family in the South. The Southern

���������� States must be destroyed. The plan was to destroy the South

along with the destruction of the States�

���������� governments and the Constitution, hitting several birds with

one stone and providing a means for

���������� confusion as to vital issues. The already concentrated power

of the Yehudi and their agents could be

���������� used for these purposes. It would be started by stirring up

the Enosh and demanding that they be put in

���������� the same schools with Adam�s young children in the

Southern States. In this manner the Enosh could be

���������� used to eventually destroy the Holy seed. The Yehudi chiefs

knew that Adam�s family in the Southern

���������� States would resist. Their degree of resistance would offer

an opportunity to evaluate the advancement of

���������� Satan�s plans. It would also provide an opportunity to smear

and harm the reputation of an old enemy,

���������� the sons of those men in the South who had nearly upset

Satan�s plans during the early years of the

���������� Republic. This early antagonism had never been forgiven by

Satan�s children and Satan was determined

���������� to make these Sons of God pay for their earlier stubbornness

and resistance. His plans provided for using

���������� Adam�s blind children against their brethren as Satan had

always done before. His paid agents were on

���������� the job and the degree of centralized power that had already

been established up to this point needed

���������� testing. Here in the South was the place to put it to a test. The

children of Satan had always been

���������� cautious. They wanted to know when to run. They knew that

they could go only so far with the children

���������� of Adam at each step. If they were to proceed too far in any

one step the flesh of Adam�s children would

���������� become red with anger. The wrath of their countenance

would appear and they would become God�s

���������� �battle‑axe� as He had foretold. This was the time, the

midnight hour had passed. The darkness of the

���������� night would slowly disappear and the daylight hours were

near. At what exact hour the daylight would

���������� strike, no one knew except the Creator. Each hour of

suffering in the darkness would bring Adam�s

���������� children closer to the time when they would all see the light.

When that daylight hour struck, Satan�s

���������� children would all be revealed. The children of Light would

then do the works of their Heavenly Father.

�� ��������He would return to the Earth and bring His Kingdom with

Him. Every knee would bend, every head

���������� would bow and every tongue would proclaim Him King.

Yahweh, the King of the Universe would bring

���������� His government to Earth because Adam�s children of the

flesh would have seen the �light� and would

���������� have done their work, which He had sent them to Earth to do.

The blindness would be off them and they

���������� would know that they were the Sons and Daughters of the

living God.

���������� Their nation had performed its divine mission. It would have

provided the sons and daughters of the Most

���������� High who remain and occupy the Earth, being His

�battle‑axe� to resist Satan until His second coming.

���������� They would have cleansed their land of Satan�s children and

all �sin� which is the evil power of their

���������� God�s evil enemy. Only Adam�s children would then occupy

their land, as they had been told to do from

���������� the beginning. Many of Satan�s children would be crying

�peace, peace�, but there would be no peace.

���������� Many of Adam�s blind children would repeat the cry for

�peace, peace�, not knowing that it is the cry of

���������� Satan to deceive Adam�s children and their nation. Satan and

his children only desire the kind of �peace�

���������� that would lead to the destruction of Yahweh and His family

on Earth. It is only for Adam�s children to

���������� revive the word of their Father and realize that they will not

have peace until they have destroyed Satan�s

���������� children as they have been ordained and instructed to do.

They would suddenly realize that they have

���������� been waiting for the Heavenly Father to do the things that He

had sent them into the Earth to do in His

���������� Name. They have a legal �power of attorney�� a written

authority to act in His Name. They were told to

���������� be His �battle‑axe� and to fight Satan on Earth. They are to

occupy the Earth and rule in righteousness

���������� with Him at the head of their government. Until this is done,

no peace with Satan can be obtained. It has

���������� been fore ordained that victory is to be theirs but they must

be brave enough to �fight� and shed their

���������� blood in sacrifice if necessary. When they do that, Victory is


Reference Materials